Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spa Party Planning

So the night is drawing close.
I am having so much fun planning this party for Charlotte!
i have stuff for them to pedi out with.
Manicures.  Just gotta get the yogurt for the facials.  How fun.
I am planning food.
picked up fancy sparkling water and limes.  I think I will toss together a veggie lasagna for dinner!
i also plan to get the girls to do hand-prints when they first get here for mothers day.  I am using Steph's canvas idea.  It'll be great!  I am having such a fun time planning this party.
I have strawberries and melons and veggies and fancy toothpicks!  such Fun.


Blog On!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ex's irritate me

and it irritates me that I am irritated.

Not to the point where I am thinking constantly or obsessed, but just even that wee emotional tug and then its gone pisses me off!

Ever feel like that?  

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


so wood and doing it from scratch turns out to be more expensive than he thought.


Monday, April 27, 2009


Mountain spent the weekend drafting up plans for the playhouse he is going to build for Charley.  What a wonderful man he is!  

Saturday, April 25, 2009


lesson learned.

don't mess with blog template anymore.

I am back.  but not knowing what other damage i have done

blog On!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I NEED to Garden!

Mountain took the fence down on the weekend cuz the spring cleaning bins were here.  So i am currently VERY exposed.
The new fence will be awhile.  Maybe even till the end of summer.
I want new planters. Real planters in my yard where I set up hokey ones last year.  but that is going to take time too.
sigh - but what I can do is take my existing real planters and some other ones and make up something that will work in other places!  I think anyhow.  
I have the bug.  I MUST get out into the yard and plant.
Its making me nuts.
so I think I have devised some plans that I can carry out on my own without having to rely on major funds or help from the man.
so Off I go tomorrow.  YaY!  I love to plant and dig and get my hands dirty!
I have signed up to in the hopes that some free wood or a playhouse will pop up.  I've put the  word out to some of my customers.  I have checked craigslist and will continue to do so.  The buck passer is out this weekend.  Searching, searching for a playhouse or materials to build one.
Next weekend I am planning a Spa night for Charley and 3 of her friends.
we will give facials, pedicures, and manicures.  Eat cucumber sandwiches cubed fruit on toothpicks and drink sparkling water with limes in ice-cubes!  She is so excited.  I think I am too!

but in the end.  I have to get at least one basket full of stuffers cause I am going nuts without the planting.  I wanted a big square planter in the back so that I could do a wee veggie garden too.  Potato's.  Squash..........but that, i am sad to say looks like a dream.

Blog On! 


i am sad to not be able to go to the Jewels Pampered Party on Friday.  I was looking forward to seeing her and seeing her home!
On the bright side, I've just saved 100bux!
That new fence and shed are getting closer by the day!
we figure, if we can get a new shed, then we will keep the original plan of painting  and patching the old leaky tin shed.  Then  That can be Charley's playhouse!  Its not glamorous, but its got a roof and they can go in it and have sleepovers and have their chairs and do kid stuff.  
There is currently a 50% off shed plans and materials.  and we do need more bigger storage.  So.....instead of ripping out the ugly falling apart tin one........we will recycle it!!!
So the 100 I would have spent on a beautiful stone pie plate for my mom and the gas to get there.........will go towards my home.
Now there's a good deal!

Blog On!

after excited research in the sale flyers...........

its a "scratch and save"  sale.
So that means you go, find what you want, and then when you get to the till you get to scratch and MAYBE.  If you are lucky.  (something I am not) get 50% off!  Well Fudge.
We can fersure not afford 800bux for a new shed!
so i guess we are back to original plan of new fence this year.  Patch and paint old tin shed, new shed next year.  And keep on the look out for wood or a used playhouse.


I am still happy I saved the 100bux though

Monday, April 20, 2009

Charlotte is in need of a playhouse.
we can't fit a swingset or climbing anything in, but a  playhouse we could.
She and her friends are starting the beginnings of getting into trouble cuase they have no place to get away from it all when they are outside playing.  They have exhausted the big open field option.  Riding their bikes around and around the same space is only fun for only so long.  They built a secret fort in a place they shouldn't have and have now been tossed out by the owner of the fort materials.  (hedge)  Chalking isn't what it was cracked up to be when she was 4.  I don't like them playing in the pond so much.   If they would only just sit with their feet in Arg.
  I have a bored kid on my hands.  Bored with outside kid.  This is not good.  This makes for get into no good kid.  So Mntn and I talked about it.  He is going to do what he can to make some kind of playhouse or fort out back.  Big enough for them to lie down in.  A place they can go and get up to no good, but still be safe.  You know?  We will know where they are.  They can have sleep overs.  They can paint the walls inside.  They can have secret girl chats.  Make plans.  Have a place to hang out....
So now the quest for Free Wood comes into play.  I hope we can find some.  Have you got any?

Blog On

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Is honesty the best policy?

what can we be honest about?

do you pick your nose?
do you  beat Off?
did you just  fart?!

are you..........

Friday, April 17, 2009


So I asked him.
I asked him why is it that Tea is suddenly allowed to be in my presence again.  He said he figures Leah has lightened up and its back to normal.  That meaning, Tea is allowed here but she can't spend the night.  (so fucked up)
I asked him why her change of heart.  I havn'et changed.  She said I was a crazy pyscho bitch.  I still am.  She said she figured I don't like her kid.  So if she figured all that then what has changed that she suddenly says its ok?  He doens't seem to know.  I told him he better figure it out, cuz as it looks from here is that Leah needs all her weekends back.  Not just every second one, or that gramma needs her weekends back.
but after thinking about this for the last couple days this is what I have come up with..........
NO.  Tea is not allowed to come here.  She is used as a pawn by her mother.   She makes everyone, including herself, uncomfortable in MY home.   I find the whole thing creepy and unhealthy and I don't want to be associated with it or enable Leah's bad parenting choices.  and What happens when Leah decides she wants soemthing?  She will use the kid as a power play as she has so many times in the past.   Suddenly deciding, for instance, once again that Tea is not allowed here anymore.  Then all of us are left hurt and then I am angry.
Forget it.  I am not getting on That emotional roller-coaster again!
I don't have control(control being the wrong word, but for lack of a better description at the moment) over who Mntn chooses as friends or who he chooses to "hang out" with.  Even though some of his choices are incredibly disrespectful to my feelings, you can't make someone "get it"  if they jsut don't.  But, I can control what comes and goes in my home and how it affects my family.
none of this is good for anybody.  Tea included.
Any connection with this woman is upsetting to me.  She is an unhealthy individual and i can't stand being a part or knwoing about the choices she makes in her life.  
Any connection I can delete is the best choice for this family.
Nobody bothered to ask ME if it was okay that Teaghan comes here and spends the day.  Nobody asked Charlotte if she has any plans and would like to play with Tea this weekend.
and guess what?
its not

so I have tossed the Ball up and into his court to get to the bottom of this change of heart.  I am sure he isn't and thinks this is all just fine.
The Ball is in his court, lets see what he does with it.  and then i will tell him the rest of my thoughts on the matter

Blog On

Thursday, April 16, 2009


a New BBQ!!

I am so excited!   Can't wait to put it together and use it SAturday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Teaghan - GRRRRRR

What a miracle!

she is allowed at my house!

What The Frick Ever - not without an explanation She sure the Hell Ain't


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


i am trying hard not to think about when The Queen turns 18

Short Tuesday

I must say I am very glad that it is Tuesday.
I am exhausted.  I barely made it thru yesterday and today I can already tell i am most tired.  I am glad for the short work week too.
Today I will visit the middle school Charley will hopefully be going to.  As long as they accept my cross boundary forms.  Jeepers.  It hadn't crossed my mind till just now, what if they don't?!  That will suck cuz I havne't looked into any other schools.   Hmmm.
WE bought hats yesterday.  How fun.  We spent a couple hours in Fort Langley wandering around.  We will go back on the weekend.  I want to look for a mirror and visit Grandad.  It'll be a year on th 26th that Nana has been gone.  Thats wierd.  Auntie brought me a couple birthday cards that she found in Nana's stuff.  Already written out for Charley and I.  Made my eyes tear up.  She was so over the top prepared in advance.  At least  7 mnths!
Yah I'm glad its tuesday

Monday, April 13, 2009


How awesome!
i had family here for dinner last night.  I cooked for 10.  Frig my living room is full when 10 people are in it.
My Aunt and Uncle had not been here yet and it was with Great pride i showed off my home and watched as they made themselves comfortable.
I LOVE being the Hostess!
I showed them the things that Mntn has made.  The cabinet and the back deck.  My aunt loving my kitchen and my mom loving that I use her Mom's silver.  Mom admiring my table that I set.  I wishing I had taken a pic of it!  DAmn.  She did so hopefully she sends me a pic.
I, not beveraging so much these days and realizing - yikes I need to switch to water.  I'm a bit tipsy!  The Queen showing her abilities on the piano for the family to hear.
it was all just so warm and wonderful!  Mntn lending a hand with cleaning up, and the stolen kiss in the kitchen when we thought no one was looking.
I Loved yesterday!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Charlotte asking why this is a holiday?

I explaining the death of Jesus and thats why this is a holiday............
I can't remember all the details of the Bible as I haven't read it in soo long.  We will read  it together..........

thinking - Society has given up on God in schools.  They don't teach it anymore.  they don't tell it anymore.  Society has given up on the respect of it anymore......

Yet, when its a holiday, they are the first to take it off

Thursday, April 09, 2009

My Oven is Only So Big!!!

it only fits the Turkey!



Wednesday, April 08, 2009


D'Wabbitt is coming this weekend.  I am not sure I am ready.
I am cooking dinner for 10 people in my tiny home.  Thats not so much a big deal,  however, one of the 10 is a vegetarian.  
I have to have lots of different veggie dishes.  
this Sucks

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


I just did my taxes using netfile and I still don't know if I entered Charlottes Sound of Music lessons in the right spot.


Sunday, April 05, 2009

I am Guilty

Assume - 
Assuming can make an Ass out of U and ME.

I have been guilty of it on a number of occasions.  Most of the time I catch myself.  Sometimes I dont'.
Last night I was on the receiving end of an ASS.
Not one of my most intellectual shining moments as I channeled Mntn and the 'fuck you' casually lept out from between my lips......
it wasn't the part where she went on about bad service.  I know better than anyone that bad service sucks.  what first caught my ear was how she doens't tip.  EVER.  Even that I could skim over, as she explained that she got bad service so why should she leave anything?  Thats right.  You shouldn't.  I don't even disagree with that.  It was the part where I heard her repeat herself a few times on the 'uneducated waitresses'  That sent my emotions thru the roof.
you don't have a Fucking Clue you funny looking ugly bitch!
I have known and still know Servers, that are not only very good at serving, but are highly  or even just slightly educated in Post Secondary Education.  Whether serving being a pit stop in their career choice or what they do.  These handful of ladies are amazing Servers!  
I am not highly educated, but I have been to college and actually graduated!  
I even went back to college when Charley was a toddler, to put what I graduated from further, into a degree.  Only to decide.........I like working in the Service Industry.
Now that Charles is older,  I've even toyed with going back.  Finally finish, or start on a New degree!
So as I was on the other end of a  an Ass-u-me - it was a good reminder to me as I have been guilty of such things. 
it was good to be pulled back for a moment.  I was insulted, albeit for a brief moment, it still happened, and I will use it and remember.
You never know who you are breaking bread with

Blog On Dudes! 

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Charlotte Won an Award!!

from the Abbey Eye Doctors.

How wonderful!!!