Tuesday, September 28, 2010

............... Planning a wedding ................

..................... Is like building a bunch of Fabulous dreams! and then seeing which version you can afford..........................

Dinner in the Copper Room

i get to dress up for dinner in the copper room! hadn't thought about food during our honeymoon. So I can get all fancied again! I LOVE any excuse to get dressed up.
Already fantasising about dinner in the Copper Room with my Husband

Sunday, September 26, 2010

This is a VERy Woooey Dress

In the words of the Barenaked Ladies ---- "If i had a Million Dollars"


I am having a really hard to me figuring out bouquets and bootn'ears ........... corsages. Who knew choosing flowers could be so hard? Designing my bouquet? designing everything! ACK!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


going to meet with my florist today.
I will see what 75bux of free is goign to get me. i am very NOT knowledgeable in this area. That's the one thing I don't have a clue about. Wedding flowers. So we will see how I do. i looked up bouquets that i like, corsages, bootn'ears....so this will be interesting. What did you have for flowers at your wedding? can you send me pictures? Flowers is gonna be spensive isn't it?

Thursday, September 23, 2010


My "Daft" FIL has given us the gift of a Honeymoon!!!
he called a couple days ago and let me know he had booked Mountain and I a room in Harrison. From July 30th to August 2nd! After a couple "date' adjustments, we now have a confirmed Honeymonn in Harrison. We'll have dinner and dancing in the Copper room, a view of the lake and the best thing is - the honeymoon we NEVER thought we were going to get!
It's not exactly what we had tossed about when we were talking and realized we weren't going to be able to have one. However, it is time away as a married couple. how wonderful! I have known many, many couples that say they will do it later........it rarely happens, and if it does, it is just NOT the same as doing it right after you become husband and wife.
What a Fabulous, unexpected surprise to get from Mountain's pop.
He says to me ...... i told you i wanted you to be my daughter-in-law, i love the both of you very much and you deserve a good send off into married life.
So thrilled. already looking up boat tours!! A honeymoon! a real honeymoon! Actual time away! Like a few days even - so we don't have to rush through and feel like we missed a day.
I am very nearly speechless. What a simply wonderful thing for him to do

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Funny Story

So i took my FIL to get surgery on his hand last Thursday.
it was nothing, not to worry.
Now besides the fact I had to give him Shit for eating, Married to a nurse and he doesn't get it. Anyhow, they had him all done up in a gown.
WE get him back here and he is going through his bag looking for his watch. he's convinced he's left it in the change room. Or in the locker at the hospital. I asked him to check his pockets, dump the bag on the table. Nope no watch.
Mountain being the good son that he is, goes all the way back to the hospital to check. He's got the whole ward looking for this watch. Nothing. The hospital even called me a few minutes after Lyle got home to say they'd gone through the garbage! Isn't that wonderful- Anyhow
The next morning, yes FIL stayed the night, I went to work and took Charley to school. FIL went home. I got an e-mail half-way through the morning. He'd found his watch. YaY!!!

It was in his shoe.

yes he wore his shoes home from the hospital. He was, in fact, wearing his shoes when he announced that he'd lost his watch!

Daft Buggar - it was in the toe of his shoe the whole time.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Maybe i should post a sign up sheet --
if you are interested in coming to my wedding put your name here >>>>

i dunno -- this is too hard

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I Got One!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I just got to name Mountain, under father, on Charlotte's school forms.



I am looking forward to my 2nd dress fitting on Sunday!
I miss my dress. I just wish I knew or could find out who the designer is

Monday, September 13, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Looking at The Wedding List of Guests

i have people that mean something to me. That I feel we have a past a present and a friendship and I would like them to see me get married. and then I realize .......... it's a one sided relationship. They don't actually care.
I care for them - very much. I am their friend.
Normally this is somehitng that I just go with. Friendships change, grow, morph, disintegrate ...... but now when I do my guest list ....... do i really want to pay for those people that I value and that don't value me to come? Or maybe the new friends i am making would be a better choice. Even though, some of the new acquantances, may not stay close past my wedding day ......... but they would actually appreciate, support and want to be a part of our big day. Not to mention, are a part of our lives right now!
its hard, you know

Thursday, September 09, 2010

why does every back ache these days have to not only turn into a headache? but then into a migraine?! Seriously - friggin' accident. I am so tight, the air conditioning at work hurts me, my tailbone has been really acting up for the last couple weeks. What the Effff. I wanna be able to wear heels and dance at my wedding

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


guess I need to get on those.
the designing of them anyhow.
Carp! don't knwo how good I will be at that. I'll need mountains input about whats written ......... yup, I really need to get started on the wording pretty quick then. It should only take till January to get his opinion ........

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Shred it?

I don't know if I can do it.
It hadn't occurred to me that when we change Charlotte's name over we would have to give up her original birth certificate and they destroy it! Somehow that was like a knife going through my heart. Do I have to give up mine too? Even though we are hyphenating both of them?
I don't know if I can do that.
Maybe I'll just borrow his last name like they say I can without legally changing it. I wonder if he'll accept that?

Monday, September 06, 2010

Moutains Birthday

so last night I thought I would have a nice dinner for Mountain. Had Sister here and his dad. it was nice.
His Birthday is on Tuesday, the first day of school, so i didn't want it to get overlooked.
I invited 4 of his, what he considers, good friends over for cake.
none of them came. Makes me sad