My daytimer a mess of appointments and 'things to do'
Every moment of every day had something penciled or penned or scribbled in.
so much scheduling in fact, that I had my showers written in or I'd miss out on having one!
Besides the 'wedding stuff' I was preparing for my MIL to stay with us. The house and the yard have to be as close to perfect as I can get. Did I mention my MIL is staying with us? The British were coming as well. Thank goodness we managed a room for them up the street in a friends condo. Bless you Terry. However, that still left filling the freezer and the fridge with foods that would be easy for guests to help themselves. As i was going to be too busy to hostess. Getting the front room - with all its bins - organized enough for company. Labelling bin after bin. Labeling booze. Printing and planning and typing details. I've got to narrow this schedule down - it's too wordy! Should I label the linens too? My photo list! No it's okay - Steph will go over it. She'll catch anything you miss.
The British finally arrive. I am organizing the booze and the pop in the shed after allowing my scheduled shower go over time. Tape and sharpie in hand. The British arrive an hour and a half early. ACK!!!! My hair still in a towel, mascara all over my face ........
I need to print out the itinerary for Ali. Only half of it prints. WHAT?!!!
My printer is broken. Ahhhhhhh! Shit - I had revised the hall layout. The Music for Kodi to keep Sylvain in line. My speech. I need to fine tune and print my speech!
Well shit
Just let it go Kristi - you gotta let it go -
Let's back up a few days -
It's Saturday, July 23rd. My last hours of work before my "holiday" starts at 5PM. Well for me - my holiday had already started. My mind drifting off to the things that need to be done in the next 6 days. Trying hard to focus on ICBC as I dealt with clients and their questions. My mind losing focus and thinking of all the small details that I had to organize for the week ahead. I need to label the wine. What should be on the tables and what should be in the bar. Label the game wine. Finish off the gift baskets. The music - make sure Sylvain knows what is going on. I need to encourage Lyle to get that coconut cut so that it has enough time to dry out. The glasses need to be finished so that I can add the jewels I want to add to them. Now he wants me to go to Fort Langley with him to help him get his hat?!! Doesn't he realize how booked my days are this next week. Monday is my home day to get the house in order. Clean the bathroom, get laundry cleaned and put away, vacuum, do the guest food shop, liquor store, wash the car and make sure its clean, check her engine (she's been making a clicking sound) weed the garden - I want to impress my MIL. I have told him all the things that need to get done, hoping that he will take some of it on. Begging inside my head that he takes some of it on. Even if he would just do the laundry? I suggested for him, if he has time while I am at work today, to cut the lawn and get the yard ready for his family that is arriving.
Not to mention I have and had told him weeks ago to figure out his hat thing. They have hats at Sears I inform him. I'm sure there must be other places in the mall that have some. Do some research. Go looking. He is waiting for Moores to re-order his hat in the right size. It's okay if you don't have a hat I say. It's really not the end of the world. He insists that he has a hat. It's a week before the wedding and he will wait untill Moore's calls him. Okay, we can go looking quickly through the mall on Sunday, after we go for our pedi's, and see if we can find a hat. No he says.
Moore's is not calling. Now he wants to go with Charlotte and I to the fancy hat shop in Fort Langley to find a Fedora. I'm sure you can find one in Abby I urge. Nope - he doesn't want to look here, he wants to go to Fort Langley. You can go without me I suggest. Charlotte knows where it is. Forget it - I won't go then is his response.
*sigh* I look at my day timer and pencil in "Go to Fort Langley for hat" on Monday the 25th square. I remind myself that Charlotte is on summer vacay too. We will go through a couple shops while we are there. I will make it a good day and push back the thoughts of what I need to be getting done for a couple hours. Charlotte Loves Wendall's book store on the corner, it will be nice to share that with Lyle.
I am at work, at my desk, trying so hard to input information. I find myself taking such a long time as my mind drifts off again ........... What if it does actually rain? I need a plan B. It's a sunny day, Rain is in the forcast for the week.
I get to Leave! The clock has not hit 5PM yet. It is 15 min early and Ange has said I can start my vacation now.
I've already started my vacation.
Home I go to find the yard not done, his dirty car and dinner waiting for me to make it
i pour myself a glass of wine - YaY Holiday