Saturday, June 19, 2021

June 2021

 Well, hello.

I wrote a post a month ago and it seems to have disappeared.  I guess I don't know how to blog anymore.  💁  

I have been on leave from my job since April 30.  I was really hoping to go back for July, but it doesn't seem I will be able to.  Even as I write this, I am having small anxiety pains in my chest.  They are not like they were  by any means, but they are still there.  I am still gettting my meds adjusted.  So fancy.

I am using my extended short term disability.  I am actually getting more on leave than I do normally because of how I am paid.  So that's cool.

I am seeing counsellors and pyschaitrists.  I guess I should learn how to spell that - hahaha!

I have been sober now for 9 mnths!  Longest in I've been dry since I started drinking again in 2006.  So I have to say, I am very stoked about it.  I feel amazing in that respect.  Mountainman and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary in a month!  Crazy!

With my stress leave, he has started to realize, he needs to  do more to be present in our home.  It's a slow realization, but it's coming.  Marriage is hard.

I am sure upset that I managed to delete, or lose that last post.  I really wanted to expand on it.  My writing is not the best today and my thoughts ........ must be the meds.  So many meds ...

I will need to write again soon.  I am keeping off Facebook as it just upsets me.  

well ... it is Saturday.  I should go put a bra on and get outside.  Time to get the plants watered and on with my day in the yard.