Friday, May 05, 2006

...cont. mom...and stuff...

So the babysittig thing is an issue. But I think its an everyone issue. Some have more support than others./.........I just don't happen to be one of those people. But I hope to be soon!!!

You get the idea that my family. My parents were the big pushers in me leaving my job. Others pushed too. ie...friends. But I've never been one to give in to peer pressure. However......
Parents that raised me and controlled my every decision when I lived there......
Yeah. They had some influence.
Besides the fact that.....and I hate to admit this....they were right. It was time for me to make an adjustment as far as my job went.
So its been a struggle over the last year for sitters and what not. I finally make more money and recieve more money and it goes out in daycare costs and gas. So in the end I have just as much money as I did before.
i thought getting ahead was what it was all about...........
Hmmmmm..........Oh well. Such is life I suppose. As I've learned we are all trying ot get ahead and it doesn't always happen so you find the positive in it.
i do have benefits and a pension now!
That is a huge Plus!
YaY!! we can go to the dentist! Very Huge Plus. So money.........
Heck. The fringe stuff is worth it!!

This brings me once again to my Vegas trip.
Parents........never wanted me to go the first time.
they don't get it. don't see why I need to travel. They never did, which of course is why my first Jet Plane ride took place last November.
Yah. Thats right. Never been on a big plane till TK took me last November just after my birthday. Just so happen the plane landed in Vegas and I had the best time of my life!
So of course I want to go again. Riding the plane was fairly simple. I might have troubles in the airport trying to figure out how to get on the plane more than the actual ride itself. Although, the engines slowing down and the turning I could do without if it were possible.
Vegas is something you can do fairly cheap and still have a most marvelous time.
So i announce I want to go again.
The unit gets pissed.
I don't need to go.
Your first job is to be a mother. We never went anywhere. We don't and can;'t go anywhere now. (i am quite aware of the bed a made and am now laying in. I am ALWAYS a mother first)
So Go!! I say.
I even sat with them a few months ago and let them know that for 3 weeks in July Charley will be at camp and then she and I have vacation time. so I definantly won't need them. I arranged it that way specifically so they would have as much time as I could possible manage. So go away I say to them.
On no we can't. The dog and the house and dad can't be in the heat and.........
okay. you know what? bite me!
I of course dig in my heels. Who cares if I need to go or not. I'm going!
They have been all negative about it for the last few months. putting the whole idea and myself down for it.
When suddenly my mother gets the brilliant brainwave......
if she refuses to babysit theres no way I can go.
so thats where I am at right now.
i have adjusted my work schedule with the help of Bosslady, and SF so that I can try to get my life back on track and not have my parents a part of it.
The non-Vegas thing is a power trip, control.

Where theres a will theres a way.....

My parents are always teeling me how i need top get out. My mom even cut out an ad in the paper for speed dating for me. When I was sad she was throwing suggestions out that I should join a club. Go to church.
Thats her biggest thing. "go to church"...........
okay so my parental unit whine done once again..........for now.

Charlitte got up with me this morning! 6:30AM!
Frig! I have not had 'my time'
she keeps talking to me. Grrrrr. Leave me till 7:30! Then talk to me all you want.

I will go to work and see if my phone comes today!

Blog On dudes!!


pkeclub said...

hope your phone shows and you are right , where there is a will there is a way. and i bet mom comes thru in the end

shari said...

they mostly are worried for you. me too. i personally think vegas is a bad idea. i think drinking is a bad idea. vegas and drinking go together. maybe they are just scared that you won't come home.
all that aside, you do need a break once in awhile. maybe you should plan for your break while charley is at camp instead. babysitting issue solved.

Kristi said...

i was sober in Vegas when i went.

shari said...

not saying you weren't. or that you would or wouldn't be again... i was just pointing out what potential worries, or fears might be. I know you had an absolutely fab time in vegas, and would love to have a fab time again. It was a good trip for you. a trip to vegas on its own, doesnt cause me to worry, its just that i worry about the drinking. ((for all you readers, no that doesnt mean that kristi is drinking all the time)) i know how you are when you drink, or i should say, how you used to be when you used to drink all those years ago. I just don't want to see you get into trouble with it, ya know?

Anyways... what about when charley is at camp??? probably too hot for vegas then huh???

Kristi said...

July is busy in the store.
October is the slowest month for sales.
Heat! Heck i love heat!
Drinking has NOTHING to do with my reason for a the trip nor the reason my parents are so down on it.
Drinking has honestly never even entered my mind.
And if I don't come home.......
it wound't have anything to do with drinking.
my sobriety meant a lot to me.
Choosing to step off the wagon was not a fly by night decision. It took me months to decide and then months again to actully do it.
i am NOT the same person. Not at all.
i know you are concerned.
But really no reason to be.
Its all good Muck. I know you love me and I love you too. But drinking is sooo not my problem.

shari said...

love ya whole big bunches

Anonymous said...

maybe your 'rents watch too much CSI that show makes Las Vegas look like a body farm!!!

Chris said...

I think that it is important to have a balanced life. For that reason I think you should go to Vegas AND to church. :)

Kristi said...

I work Sundays