Saturday, May 06, 2006

How old Were you When you Were Seven?

So i guess that since Charlitte is not recognized by the government as being a child......niether should I???

They just passed this thing where if you have a child under 7 you get 100bux form the government.
Last fall they passed a thing where if you had a child under 7 you were subsidized more for daycare so you cuold work.
Are children over 7 supposed to have jobs?
Are they supposed to not eat or grow or play as much as the younger child?
Now don't get me wrong I'm all for the getting of the help thing. But why is it that children over 7 are penalized on both counts for their age?
Daycare.....fine. It costs more to daycare a younger child. I get that. However, the other..............
Don't get that at all.
As a matter-of-fact I'm really NOT 'getting' that.


Anonymous said...

Apparently from what I have heard the reason for under 7 is.. kids get funding through the schools...ha...ha...ha( dripping in sarcasm)

Kristi said...

They do?!?

Charley is so very clearly going to the wrong school!

Anonymous said...

Interesting according to that both my kids should have jobs by now. Maybe they can start paying my mortgage hehe.

Chris said...

It is about time those short folks got to work.

shari said...

well hceck... i have clearly been doing it wrong for years... get a job at seven huh... i have years of back income to make them earn...