Thursday, May 04, 2006

mother and Sitting and Stuff

WEll before my good friend Larry freaked me out and vanished from his blog .....................I had stuff.

So lets turn back the clock for a moment shall we.
It was a year and a half ago. Novemeber 2004. I started to seriously think about leaving the restaurant. A very hard decision t make. After that point I had been there 8 years. I loved what I was doing. I had wanted to retire there.
however, I was not getting paid what I was worth and there was kaos all around as my boss yet again didn't value my position. Bla, bla, bla.
so Everyone said LeaVE!
Well there was a lot to consider.
i mean. I was the Boss. I had total control over my schedule. i worked Monday to Friday lunchs. From home in the evening. Charley was in daycare and it all worked. I didn't have to scrounge for early mornings or late nights. It was all good.
About every 6 weeks my parents would take Charlotte over night on the weekend and Mike and I could have a real date.
Yah. Thats right every 6 weeks or so we'd have a real date. no wonder he coudn't, didn't, we weren't able to ahve a decent relationship. Like the Doodlebug said, "its hard to fall in love with someone when you aren't getting that quality time together" The constant interuption of kids!
Thats another post......
So My parents and family start to encourage, push, me to start looking for another job. "think about your future. Think about Charley's. you're not getting any younger you know"
Yah. They were right.
Not so much of a future there. Benefits? Pension? These were some things I needed to think about. I was on my own. My relationship was seriuosly heading south with Mike and I was having a struggle supporting The Queen and myself.
so I started talkig to my family about me and a new job........
'It'll be nights you know'
'if i work another restaurant my schedule will be all over the place'
Yah see dAycare ends at 6PM then you have to find someone else. And then how fair is it for Charlitte to be shipped all over and never see her mommy? Or her home for that fact.
so then there';s the guilt that all working parents get eating away at me.
i was probably in really great shape cause of that too!
"don't worry. we'll be there. We'll help."
My brother got transferred within his company in January 2005. He's now 4 hours away. I now only have my parents to help.
"its okay Kristi. Just get ot of there"
I was dragging my heels. I had come to the conclusion that after 16 years in the service industry it was time to leave.
My arthritis in my hand. The foot issue getting worse. Although, I was in fantastic Shape and have a Great Ass becuase of it!
I used to be able to lift a Keg! No not a pony Keg. A full sized one! Only a cuple inches off the ground, but still. I was in great shape. And freakishly strong for a girl.
So I was looking for some kind of other job.
I applied with my brothers company.
many, many months later they called and i got the job! Exactly a year ago actually. I gave my 4 weeks notice at the restuarant and I left.
So my hours aren't so bad.
i mean on a Tuesday i am working 9 to 6. By the time I get home its 7.
1 or 2 nights a week and every Sunday.
But at first that screwed me for mainstream daycare.
Mom says don't worry.
Fire daycare. I'll do it.
Mom thats a huge committment. Thats every day. Thats picking her up from school. Thats.............
yah i know. don't worry i'll do it.
So I fire the daycare.
a month and a half later........she tells me she doens't want to do it anymore............
Thats just where I'm at and this is getting long and its time for me to excercise a bit before my darling Queen awakes from her slumber.
so maybe i finish it later maybe I don't.

But I think you get the jist without my going into Super detail!

Blog on Kids!
Even you Larry!!!


pkeclub said...

im sitting here getting my lunch ready and im thinking ...hey!! ill watch her, but you gotta move to the that a problem?

Leah said...

My family take turns watching Taylor. It is a burden but I have three of them that rotate days so no one is overwhelmed. I hope it all works out for you.

Kristi said...

Not sure if its a problem.
Like Gary said, never say never.

Chris said...

That is unfortunate that your mother can not keep a committment she made.
Maybe get it in writing next time? I dunno.

Hang in there. There is nothing more important and difficult than being a parent.