Many times told me he was not a nice man.
It was not until recently it became clear to me why he would make such a comment.
Mr. Big.........dishonest in business. Dishonest in life.
He was constantly worried about being alone with my daughter. Afraid of being accused of something. I always wondered why..........
Why alwasy so worried?
Why always bring it up?
Why alwasy so scared?
The peices of the Big puzzle so all over the place. Never able to just put your finger on it, yah know.
And I'm still not sure.
Just know something wasn't right.
Oh Big. So many, many secrets.
You are not to be trusted. You were right when you told me that. I should have listened.
Now I know why.......
I hope you aint meaning Charly or I am comin after his sorry ass.
nope. that part of far as charley goes....only speculation. She wasn't ever alone with him.
It was more his fear of it that had me interested.
A past accusation maybe??
He never gave a straight answer when i questioned him. I trusted him and never had that icky gut instinct mom feeling so I trusted him with her.
but now I wonder. Yah know.
Had a chat yesterday with my old boss from the restaurant. A few more peices of His Puzzle fell into place. My brain started working overtime. Can 't say that it was wrong, thats fersure.
Thanks doodah. I like the defense.
oooh- naming names and everything.
anything shady come up when you google him?
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