It was so fun!

Just a little 10 minute skit. But she was the star!!

I of course beamed with Pride and smiled from ear to ear cause she just amazes me every day!

Another group did Goldilocks too. Get a look at that wig! It jsut killed me! I loved it!!

So exciting that you were able to go! What a beautiful girl you have there!
Goooooo Oat-girl!!!!
She was so excited the next day to tell us about her acting is so cool when kids get to do stuff like that.
She is a doll. Does she have an agent, yet?
That wig was hilarious.
She was so thrilled! She gets so nervous when she's up there. she doesn't look out in any of the pictures to the audience.....
Chris....she had an agent when she was a baby and toddler. Went to a few auditions. But she wouldn't listen to direction so they never used her.
They are so cute at that age. My Megan was the same way. Star of the play, and a model of humility!
Congrats, she's a beauty!
She is a doll!!! You have every right to be proud!! Looks like she had a great time
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