So I had this breakdown..........
did you tune in for that......
In regards to the man thing
you know. Thats just my life. Just the way it is. I choose healthy men I choose unhealthy men the result seems to be the same.
i laugh; I was talking with Steph earlier. she says, "well you could just get fat. Then lose the wieght after you meet the great man. Of course being that its you he'd probably be a chubby chaser and dump you when you were thin again."
yes. As this is my life. Its funny cause its true. Destined to be alone. Yes I pretty much belive that. Especially since the recent events that have unfolded in the last couple months.
Right now I concentrate on my job situation.
i can't lose this job.
How do I make enough money to raise this girl of mine.
No I don't want to go back to school. I've done that twice now!
there is nothing I've come across that interests me. And who the Hell supports us while I'm doing that!?! Even if I did find 'something'
I'm tired.
I'm tired of carrying the burden alone.
the burden being life alone.
i don't want to sleep alone every night.
i would like to go to amovie with someone when i have a free night and hold hands and kiss and cuddle.
I would like to be taken care of for alittle bit. Have someon to lean on every once in awhile when it gets to be too much. Or jsut cause I can.
That i've been dealing with for awhile. The lonliness. That has to take a back burner right now. I have Stephie to keep me company soemtimes. She is a dear girlfriend along with a few other fabulous women.....Muck, Doodle, Miss. K. ML A couple others i have a little contact with. They are good for me. Not in all the ways, but some of them and thats good. A Big Oh well to the rest for now.
My concentration lies with the Job.
i gotta keep this job.
This job will take a lot of the burden if i can keep it.
i make enough.
It has everything i need....pretty much.
i mean. i don't love it like i did my last one. But I don't hate it.
i can't lose it.
help me not lose this job.
Guys..................i'm scared
kristi i know you are afraid.. but life is about choices. You be afraid of it or you can KICK IT'S ASS! I am here for you...always.
don't they give you a break? i mean they can't expect every month to be up to par.
I am saying a prayer for you right now that it will all work out for the best. No matter what happens.
Hang in there dear, just when you think all the doors have been shut and locked a tiny crack in a window appears out of nowhere. Just keep the faith dear things will get better!
Sending up a prayer for you Kristi. Hang in there!!
oh man kristi.... hang in there muck. You can do this. praying for you. =)
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