Monday, July 17, 2006

I just made the biggest mistake ever.

i opened my credit card statement.

i can't get all the numbers out of my head now. I just finished an e-mail about it. But I didn't actually know the numbers. I was just guessing.
Now I know. Now I am sick.

I fucked us.
In the Ass and backwards we are fucked with unknown objects.

My carefree non-anylytical new attitude is going to end us up living in the street.


Kristi said...

i am better now.
It all worked out.
Got yet another job!!!

YaY! for me.

Just gotta have faith

joanne said...

Remember - minimum payments

Kristi said...

we will be fine.

I just let it get to me for a bit. Its all okay.

Thanks Jo

Anonymous said...

Chip away at it girl. You'll do fine.

Kristi said...


My credit card payment has been the same for years.
I never check I jsut pay xxxx amount.
What freaked me out is that when I looked at how much I owe..........
the minimum payment on it is nearly my xxx amount!!!
Who they hell has minumum payment of 20 bux!!!
please. I wish!

I have transferred credit card to credit card. Done that.
Was just looking at getting a loan from the bank. But then I don't have a job. They don't like that.

I have been living outside my means for the last year.

Stupid. Stupid. Supposdly good job.

I had to keep up a certain image and i wasn't making the money to do so. So I charged it!

Anonymous said...

No disrespect to Nick intended, however, even if you do have a good job, it's alot harder getting a loan than just walking in to a bank.