Monday, July 17, 2006

A Ride at Disneyland

So it turns out the world must prove to me again how incredibly small it is.
After spending part of the evening with the Tall dude last night............we came to learn that we went to the same highschool.
I graduated the year before he did!
Get out your Yearbook Muck!

Its A Small World Afterall.

He turned up at my driveway unanounced last night. He seems to love to do that. I in my jammies talking on the phone and drinking tea on the front porch.
Good thing I'm pretty secure with myself and how I look. Or this 'dropping by' thing that he does could have some very negative effects.
I was so happy to see him.
When I went down and opened the front door I jumped into his arms. He lifted me off the ground and kissed me.
Both of us telling the other how much we missed one another.
How much we like each other.
We sat on my couch in the livingroom talking about the last few days since we saw each other. Holding hands. Intertwining our bodies because we can't get enough of the touching. Every once in awhile kissing between subjects. The whole while smiling. Ignoring my slowly darkening room and the glow of the T.V.
Evening turning into night and we just hold each other and chat about whatever comes to mind.
I love this part of a relationship. Its all you can do to soak up the other person. Like you just want to inhale them. You can't seem to be close enough. Ever. You never want them to leave. They never want to leave.........

I will see him tonight.
we made a plan.
Charley will be gone till about 8 with her East Coast friend.
Whatever shall we do in this empty house?

Blog On dudes!


steph said... two are soooo cute. When do I get to meet him? shari and I have to give the ok before any of this is a go!

joanne said...

Yummmm...I need something like that.

Kristi said...

He really likes me.
WE just talked and talked tonight.

No sex. Just talking and cuddling. Its soooo nice!

Anonymous said...

How lovely that it's all so new and exciting for you both.