WE giggled. We chatted. We talked about old times and new.
When suddenly it became the Best Idea ever to finish up go back to my house and Go Out!!
Its Airshow weekend. Everything is a party!
lets go to Hanger 13 I said. I've never been!
I've worked the airshow for about 6 years and never done the Airshow parties.
So damn. We went out!
Our cabbie over charged us.
Friggin Bramar. Was that his name? I only rember in patches.....
We found what we thought was Hanger 13. I'm still not so sure thats where we were.
I went to check it out before we actually made our way in and blindly walked in the dark. I didn't see the fence. Walked right over it and landed in on my Ass on the other side.
I am still giggling to myselfg about it.
It wasn't a real fence. Just one of those plastic strung up things designed to block off space in a field.
Me Ass over Tea kettle on the other side.
Nobody saw. Which was good and disapointing all at the same time cause it was Damn Funny!!!
I barely touched the ground. My cat like reflexes had me up on my feet just as fast as i went down!
I went back to the cab and got the Lioness.
In we went. ordered our drinks........
Tickets? Ummmmm.
Some guys in line were good enough to just hand a couple over.
Why did we decide to leave again?
My phone battery was dead. What The Hell!!
Someone called us a cab though.
We made it back to the Pub.
Tall Dude was there.
We danced. We partied. We drank.
Although i don't remember drinking anymore once we got back to the pub.
An i fersure don't remember gettting back to my house at the end of the night.
i got the Lioness blankies. She Jammied up and I made sure the Tall Dude went and tucked her in.
I paid badly,Oh so Badly all the next day.
So tired.
I'm sure I was still drunk when I got up in the morning.
I sweated it out over a BBQ in the hot sun.
Water. Please just give me Water.
The Lioness and I partied like we did many years ago.
Young we are not.
however. We can party circles around anybody!
WE built Boobs. We shared intimate moments. We glittered up.
we acted Like Girls!!!
Oh so Girlie......
It was an absolute Hoot!
So i am still paying for it a little bit. So what. So I had nothing but Tylenol and water for Breakfast and Dinner yesterday.
It was worth it!
We were HOTTIES and we had a BLAST!
Nothing more needs to be said...
well, maybe we could talk about all of the lesbians on the dance floor - but that is for another day!
Ahhh Yes. The Lesbians.
One of them was an old friend
you have an old lesbian friend??
lol.. sorry... it was funnier in my head.
How exactly do you "build boobs"? Just curious.
Well if we told you Chris then you would know - it is a 'women only' secret! LOL!
did you suffer like i did??
Oh YeS!!!
Your Big Party weekend!!!!
You suffered? mUst've turned out to be a good party!
I posted pics on my Foto Blog!
I wanna party with you girls!!
This sounded like so much fun. Way to go ladies!
I would have liked to have seen the free-falling fence acrobatics. LOL
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