Thursday, August 31, 2006

I Am So Excited!!!!

I just got the best phone call EVER!!!!

A Fantastic job oppurtunity!
Informal interview for a company I have been vying for for nearly 2 years!!
They are finally hiring!!!
Somebody must've retired or gotten pregnant cause thats the only time there is an opening.



Anonymous said...

finally good news eh?


Kristi said...

Oh WoW!!
i sure hope so.

its only an informal thing to check me out, but still.....
to even get my foot in the door has been impossible.
So this is HUGE!!!

Everything happens for a reason. I just have to hold on to that.

Gary said...

Good luck. You deserve it.

James Goudie said...

thats cool kristi

holymotherofgod said...

Wow far out !

Chris said...

Congrats on getting checked out!

shari said...

where is it? any new news?

holymotherofgod said...

Yes do tell Kristi, what is this job ? Have you accepted it ???