Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Da Wabbitt is Coming, Hooray! Hooray!

WEll its here.
on the weekend anyway.
Charley and I talked about Good Friday last night. Mostly cause its a holiday and she was trying to figure out where she was going. Then we talked about why its a holiday. HOw Jesus died. She told me how he was put in the cave and then came alive. I really think its neat how she knows these different things and we are not church goers.
Kudo's to me that I've managed to teach her.

She also knows that we get to colour Eggs on Saturday!
Mountain, I think, is joining us for the Egg ritual. They share a common interest of Art and creativity. I just do food colouring and vinegar. He's talking about wax ect. Whatever. I don't know anything about it. So if you do, great! Get it all together and you and the Queen can spend the afternoon creating. So we'll see.

Mountain doesn't have a lot of family type experiences under his belt.
This weekend he meets all of mine. Should be about 15 at my moms. I've gone 1 on 1 with his dad a few times now. so its his turn. In a big crowd he should be just fine.
He's met Sister already. And Derwood will be there. I'm sure they will have lots in common. And my Bo. He's already been warned about the judgemental eyes of my parents (my mother) So he's been prepped.
I feel we are pretty solid. Our relationship that is. At least thats how I feel and he has not given me any reason to feel differently. I hope he feels the same way.

Its the family joke, that as soon as a man I'm seeing comes to a family dinner, or meet my family, they break up with me. I Shit you Not! It truly happens! so I stopped bringing them. not that the chance has come up in the last few years....but still.

I think he is looking forward to it. And to the many, many family events after.
His dad has emailed the family(Mountains Sister) in England and told them all about me. His dad was here for Sunday dinner a couple weeks ago. I like him and we get along good.
so the Wabbitt wil come and hide his goodies!
Charley will be spoiled.
I think I will have to spoil Mountain too. he didn't get EAster hiding or that kind of thing while grwoing up.
time to sweat Blogger Dudes!
work off that Ass fat!

Blog On!


shari said...

guess i should really get my butt in gear and get some easter candy. where the heck has all the time gone?

Anonymous said...

After seeing you together I say you are pretty solid also and that was months ago

Kristi said...

I know i can harldy believe itsApril. I mean Fri9g!!! It snowed Yesterday for Pete's sake. And then when I went home form work it was a glorious sunny day.
Totally messes with yer mind
But I've been stoned on pinks for months...so waht do i know?!!!

shari said...

so what's my excuse???

i should get some pinks just so i have a reasonable reason for the complete lack of memory and time-concept.