Well guess what I gound out when I went to get my Pinks yesterday????
For the last 4 weeks I've been taking Generic Pills again
No wonder Shit has been Funky!
No wonder my mind has been racing.
Not cause I need a higher dosage.
I needed the right Pink. Frig!!!
How did that happen you ask?
WEll. I had been using 2 different pharmacies.
My last prescription at my reg. Place i had experimented with the Generic. Then I went to a new one when i got the Name-Brand. When I went back to my reg. they had it on file that I do Generic. Over the last month I had only been filling a couple weeks at a time cause I just didn't have the money to fill the month. So last night when the Pharmacist said 45 dollars......I questioned it. at 2 bux a pill it should be more like 65!!!
thats when the Evil Generic plot was uncovered!
So much makes sense allof a sudden.
It'll take a week to get back to norm.
Mountain is happy about that too. Cause he was wondering. I had been oddly bitchy. avoiding him cause I didn't want to subject him to what I thought was PMS. The anxiety and pains when I found out about the house.
My Funky thoughts.......Memory shit......all due to GENERIC PINKS!!!!
Little Fuckers!
Wow...I really didn't think there would be much difference between them...I mean why else give out generics if hey are not the same??? That is weird...but good to know!!!
Hope things work better for you :)
but it's so hard to get the real thing..almost everywhere has only generic..
If generic makes that much of a difference....sounds like you aren't ready to give them up yet! Good thing everything got sorted out. :)
its like Campbells soup and No-Name....they use all the same stuff. But for some reason Campbells is Just Better!
Generic makes a difference cause the Med isn't right. Kinda like the Drunk you get from beer versus the drunk you get from hard liquor. Its all booze but it effects you differently.
In 1 more month my doc's and I get to re-evaluate.
Love the new picture! You look great!!!
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