So sorry.
Guess mom can't stay away.
Found me thru Muck again.
So I just shut it down.
Those of you that are here have been invited.
The Secret Code didn't fool me Muck. I found it right away, guess so did my mom. Frig!
So dinner on sunday will be uncomfortable. My mom doens't accept fault in herself. So, me calling her judgemental probably really hurt her. I have said it to her before...just not so bluntly. I didn't want to hurt my mom. Just saying it how it is. I have used softer words in the past when talking with her.
so i suppose i need to confront her now.
I really dont want to.
She doens't realize I can see when she's been in.
so if I don't confront her....i am no better than her...sneaking around....or Mr. Big.
And EWWWWWW!!! I certainly don't want to be anything like Mr. Big!
so I guess i'll wait till after dinner and she's had lots to drink and then.....
This sucks!
but for now.........Locked down
sucks for those readers of mine that are just hanging out. Never had a voice. Lurking in the shadows.
I was up in the middle of the night last night thinking about my Easter outfit.
Got a pretty little dress from Bert.
I don't have the right Black shoes to go with it. So I was awake picturing my black clunky boots....add a sweater...maybe a loose belt....I do't know. but let me tell you. I was a awake for at least an hour thinking about it.
Guess on my WAl-Mart shop this mroing I'll see if they have the Right black shoes to go....
Blog On
I say dont bother
Mothers and men cant be changed and fighting about it only brings about too much stress
Just play dumb enough stress going on that day with the introduction of the mountain
she isnt going to have some big change of attitude so I say forget about it
I think that if you need to air this out with her, maybe wait to do it until after Easter dinner. Put it aside for that night, so that the evening can be relaxing and enjoyable. And you certainly don't want Mountain's first family experience to be one where there is tension and fighting. And let's face it, no matter how hard you try to keep it between just you and mom, someone else will get involved. And few will understand your need for her to stay out of this area of your life. the M's will be like... bou-n-d-ries? what is this bou-n-d-ries you speak of? lol
love ya girl... and going right now to grab those recipes for you. I forgot already.. can you beleive it? you can? hey! be nice. lol
and sorry bout her routing throw my blog again. I had intended to change up "the code" every week or so, but have yet to actually do it. sorry.
I don't know if I would want my mom in here. Weird! Mrs.Paul1!lol!
Change? NO can't change her.
I can't change either and i know my problems.
however, letting her know....on the down low that i 'know'....long after dinner has been consumed and most of the stress has been dealt with.....
we'll see.
if the momnent presents itself I wil respond.
ahhh yes!! I must agree
Mrs.Paul is HoT!
Thanks for inviting me! :-) I understand completely why you locked things down. I guess I still owe you and explanation email too. ;-)
yes you do!!!
My worst fear is my Mom (or other family members ) finding my blog. I understand why you went private...I would too. Thanks for inviting me here though:)
Hey Kristi,
Thanks for invoting me too. I sometimes think that I should quit reading beacuse so many of the pain you deal with takes me right back to when I went through these things.
On the other hand - when you over come these painful things I am so happy for you I could cry.
Just keep pluggin' along, you can only do what you can do!
Thanks again,
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