Monday, May 28, 2007

coming of Age??


Charlotte had acne!

She is only 8 for Pete Sake. I taught her how to wash her face with good old soap and water. That will now be part of her bedtime routine.

*tear* my wee girl is growing up. I hate this!


Michelle said...

Ohh darlin...just you the mom of a 19 year old daughter....I can tell you....the BEST is yet to come!!!! lol

Winnie said...

Well she hasn't asked you to shopping for a training bra ....

Kristi said...

thank Goodness!!!

but she is just a little girl!
All of a sudden I hate that I work. Feel like I've missed everything. Grrr.
When is 2 years up

Family Of Five said...

I hate it too!!! Getting older!!! I am here for all the moments and still feel like it goes way too fast!

steph said...

soap and water? what the hell?

Family Of Five said...

Steph!!! Good point, come on splurge some facewash for the girl! :)

jewels said...

what is the best cleanser?

Kristi said...

soap works best for me. Dove.
Way better than the clinique I had been using many moons ago

Family Of Five said...

I absolutely love Mary Kay. Sounds corney but their cleanser and moisturizer I totally swear by! Soap dries my face out..... most facewashes either dry my face or make me break out. I also love Mary kay has a aging moisturizer for oilyish skin. Most aging creams are heavy and make me break out.

Anonymous said...

If you get into taking care of her skin now, she'll thank you for it later. I use Dove cleansing products rather than the soap, but probably AOK for her age.

Michelle said...

The stuff they make for teenagers these days (Clearasil, etc) work great. It's true, the sooner she gets into a face care regime, the easier it will be. Soap and water might work for now, and thats cool.....just keep an eye on it. She is still young :)

Kristi said...

I've used many a cleanser and fancy what-not on my face.
Spent piles of money on different names and No-name things.
Then all of a sudden I was on the 'system' and had to still wash my face. I went for the sheapest yet most spoken and oldest form of cleanser ever.
I will nevr go back to anything else.

I will give her what works for me and if she doens't like it. Tough hoo hoo's. she can buy her own shit!

Michelle said...

LMAO Kristi....that sounds like something I would say!!

Chris said...

They start younger and younger.