Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Holy Carp!!!

i just joined Curves!

I'm sick of this wieght I've gained. It don't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Friggin Pinks suck for that!

So I'm doing something about it.
Man, i hope I can get there. Work in the little time I've got before or after work.
Its a half hour circuit. A years committment. But frig!
I can't stand the gut I'm getting or the Ass I've grown.
Can I afford the monthly????
Not really sure. But I'm jsut gonna have to make it work.

Wish me Luck!


Family Of Five said...

Good for you!!! Good luck! :)

Winnie said...

You look HOT!!
But good for you...
Buy this book..

jewels said...


Michelle said...

It's hard....and it's a commitment. You can do it. Good for you for joining!!

Kristi said...

i've never been a part of a 'gym' before.
this is sooo wierd.
never had a problem excercising at home. but now!!!

mess and stuff to do and dishes and....

Frig My metabolism has changed so dramatically from the Pinks!
no more stress or anxiety to eat away at me.

i had to go buy runners today!!!!
Yah. Thats right. I didn't own any.
Now I jsut gotta figure out where those jogging pants are that I bought years ago.
Always excercise at hom in my pajama bottoms or panties.

I should be down to my goal in about 6 weeks.
As long as the plan works out in the AM to get there i should be okay.
i can harldy wait!!

Friday mroning is my first work-out!!

Kristi said...

thank-you for your support!!!

Mandy said...

Well, I think you are gorgeous, but if this makes you feel better, I'm totally supportive of you. Good luck there, it's fun! I really enjoyed it when I went, all those moons ago... haha :)

Anonymous said...

You and me both gal! My 30 min circuits sound much the same as yours. My first session is on Sat here. Eek. They promised tey'd go easy on me and let me build it up. Apart from weight loss (I've already lost 12 kilos doing it for meself) I'm really trying to get fit and maintain it for over our winter here.
You and I can "heavy breathe" together on this one. lol!

Chris said...

I tried to join too, but they said no for some reason.