Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I have so many thoughts floating around in my head I just don't even know where to begin.
REal Estate people.
Nanny Girl.

I just need to go to bed.
It will be clearer tomorrow.

Nite All


Anonymous said...

Hope you are not going to have lots of noise from any rennovations going on next door?

Kristi said...

i don't think many reno's will go on next door.
the real estate guy was there yesterday with a man with BMW and then 2 other young guys in an expensive car.
The 2 young guys walked out with what looked like real estate papers.
It all just freaks me out!
I keep thinking it won't sell for awhile cause.....well its truly a tear down. But now I thikn I am wrong and we will have to be out by the end of the year!
I have too much stuff to pack and move in less than 2 months!
I guess its time to start collecting boxes and start packing my books


Anonymous said...

There's a good chance that whoever buys it will keep it as rental property. Try not to worry too much.

Family Of Five said...

Yah.... if it's a duplex chances are they will keep one side and rent the other or rent both. Don't get your panties in a knot just yet! :)

Kristi said...

rent will go up to a place that I can't afford. That being the problem

Kristi said...

knotted panties.

that just cracks me up!

Winnie said...

Sorry to be the devil's advocate...
There are some nice new home being built on that street.....