My financing is having a hard time.
Mobile homes finance differently.
The bank is taking into consideration the Pad rental.
It isn't good.
Everything may fall thru.
I've gone tomy parents for yet More Help.
I've just endured 4 hours of Pride removal.
i am nearly 40 yrs old and I don't make enough money to even buy a trailer.
my parents......
After hours of hours and hours upon......
All Ineed is a possible cosign and......
i feel like duty.
i am Crushed.
i am scrambling to get back on top.
i feel like a complete Loser.
I am on the brink of depression.
My credit card debt is too much. Thats gonna sink me.
Eventhough I've paid soooo much of it off over the last few months......I'm left asking the questions.......
why do I work so hard?
Why do I try so much?
Why did I ever bother claiming my tips if it was all going to end the same anyway?
I stayed at that "great" job for a year and it actually put me into debt!
if you can believe it.
I made less money.
I am under.
This place is mine Damn-it!
My fight is in there, but so down trodden.
I might as well be back on welfare for how this fucking system works!
Right now the glass is definantly half-empty where i am sitting.
Maybe some chocolate will help.................
you work to support you and your daughter
you work to have a life
if you died tomorrow - will God care about your Visa bill?
God - I should take my own advice...
but for now - live in the moment
well no
God will not care about my Visa bill, but to pass my debt on to my daughter is pretty shitty
Hang in there Kristi ... things happen for a reason. If it's meant to be, it will happen and it will be worth all the shit in the end.
thanks Aggs
thats what I keep telling myself
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