So I am breathing very slowly and Cautiously.
This buying a mobile thing is a Lot different than buying a house. don't get a first home buyers grant.
Second...interest rates are higher
Third...there are only 2 lenders in town that will even consider lending for a moblie.
Fourth....they don't just take into consideration the money they are lending for the home...but also the pad rental....which of course in there eyes......I was not approved.
Fifth....the most ammorization they will give is 14years. Taht of course brings my mortgage up by just over 100bux from what I and my broker originally thought.
So I had to not only go to my parents.
I had to go to my parents for a co-sign.
When I first asked......They Said No. so by Tuesday everything had fallen thru and I didn't have a place to live. They have since changed their minds, but that has not come without a price.
Sixth.....I didn't know that the bank puts a 5 day hold on big cheques!!!! fuck the subjects get removed monday. I need a cashiers check for 3grand on monday. the first hold comes off on Monday!!! I work.....fuck. I have some serious time management, organization stuff going on right now.
What else don't I know that I should??
You have no idea the Hell I had to endure while I sat there and heard the lecture.
The lecture about how many mistakes I've made in my life and how I can't afford anymore. How much of a loser I am and just went on. And now tyhat they will have their name on my house.......I am in hell.
I know everytime I spend a little money or get soemthing new;the eyes will be out. The judging will be there.
dad has already gone off about when Mountain moves in!
Frig! give me a break. That isn't in the cards for another year!
But his name is on the mortgage so its all his business. he doens't want Mountain taking half or anything as Fucked up as that.
The good in all this is that my Mortgage has been approved.
we are working towards getting all the subjects removed for Monday.
My VISA has ended up being paid off. So I can now afford my thousand dollar mortgage. Charley and I will have a home!
This last 2 weeks has been really hard.
The ups the downs.
i don't feel nearly as good as I think I should from buying my first home.
My broker was learning too.
so as we went along.....we were all in Hell....with my Dad at the front of Hell boat. Breathing down both our necks and just making it soooo much worse.
So there you go.
I am not doing the big WaHooo til monday when all the subjects are removed. Thats when I can breath and know It'll all be okay.
Blog On Dudes!
buying anything that big is never easy - i cannot stand all the bankers and lawyers and stuff -
so why is mountain on the mortgage anyway?
Mountain isn't
my Dad is
sorry - i misread - my bad
when we first got our mortgage I went into uncontrolled panic fits and couldn't breathe
I hate being under the microscope by strangers and feeling like you arent good enough
every time our mortgage comes up for renewal I get upset it sucks but there is light at the end of the tunnel
your own space
Yeah I had panic attacks for a long time after making the offer on our place.
There are always fees, strata, taxes etc that come in to play with a purchase. And I remember "laughing" at my contribution of our mortgage amount.
Don't let all the bullshit weigh you down. Its a means to an end - to get your own place. Good Luck with Monday!
ahhh.big breath!...
I get it. Money out is the same. I did it a few years ago. Its the mom and dad thing that makes you sick
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