So tomorrow begins the rest of the beginning to the end.
Paperwork....signatures....Lawyers....More money going out. I am not apying any more of my bills right now cause I am jsut so afraid to touch my bank account.
I have to start phoning and getting address changes out there and ........Holy Carp!
i still have to pack and get rid of carp and I want to have a Garage sale on Saturday!
Holy Frig!
So I take Possession on Aug 16th....from that moment forward I will be moving in there and moving out of here. Setting up there and Cleaning up here.
I am planning to get a truck for Sunday Aug 26th to get the furniture over. Oh and Frig! the piano!
I better make a list.
So much to do
So much to do
Somewrhe in there I have a full time job and being a Mom and stuff. Mountain will just have to wait for when his girlfriend is returned from the body snatchers and try to fit in where he can.
Oh Shit! His mom is coming mid-way into September!
Yup I better make a list.
I'll start with what I need to get to the lawyers tomorrow...................
go from there.
Blog On Dudes!
lists are very important. I do lists upon lists! I have the 26th booked for ya'!
hey, I so hear you. Theres like a top 5 list of major stresses in life, and buying a home is one of them.
Hope all goes well.
I don't know what just happened.
My dad didn't like the broker idiot I've been dealing with. If i've spoken with you you know what a Fucken nightmare it has been with him.
And what the Hell do I know cause its not like I've gotten a mortgage before. Numbers and numbers upon numbers......
So we are by-passing the bank
by-passing the broker
My dad is gonna write a check?
my head is just spinning
Did that actually Just happen???
Holy Crap-o-roo!!!!
Uhhhh Yah
i guess the hell over the lst couple weeks was worth it??
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