"I'm gonna be taking tea shopping the last week of August for new school clothes.
Leah figures we're going to The Gap. Like thats going to happen."
Wait a minute.
not only are you spending a 'couple hundred bucks' on this girl. But you are playing house with the mommy while you do it!
Why is it up to you to buy all her FFFFing clothes and why the Fuck are you going with that bitch!
A few things is one thing. Going on a special shopping time with just her, the kid....or with me and C and Tea.....but with Leah!
Not a fucking Chance!
i held my tongue.
i will sit on this a bit.
it may become less salty and bitter by the morning
Its the morning. I'm still annoyed. But thinking it thru better. We have not had a major boundary talk about this yet cause I figured it would just sort itself out. (sometimes these things do. When so much of nothing is said and subjects are changed hints are given and recieved) but this doens't seem to be.
I know lots of split up parents and they certainly don't go shopping with the ex. Nor is it on their shoulders to purchase ALL the back to school stuff.
Its usually
.. ....okay what else do they need I'll take them this weekend and get the rest........or..........where are you going to shop? Here's a couple gift cards for those places......
He's not going to like it.
He's going to be pissed.
but I am pissed too and I feel, rightfully so!
Blog On!
Oh which reminds me.
We have a fallen Blogger and I am not sure why! Berta! Come back to us!
yup - tell him it's time to cut the connection with the ex -
that is just weird...
oh Hell, McDreamy and his X are like that, he met her Sat to pay for ALL of the school clothes she bought at the Gap.......the kid is THREE yrs old!!!! several hundred $$$ worth of clothes.......I was like WTF!!!! It is a VERY sore subject for us and will continue to be for as long as I foresee. Not to mention the bitch calls him EVERY. DAY. for one reason or another........his response when I go off "We're friends, its whats best for our child"
NO, she does it to irritate ME!!! THis I know for fact!! She does NOT like us being together and has never tried to hide it......
I feel your pain!!!!!
(SORRY!!! I didn't mean to write a book in your comments!!!!)
thats fine. books are okay.
see the topper is.......
this is an ex girlfriend and her daughter. Not his.
No. They Never lived togheter.
so there are No major break-up family wounds that he is trying to heal for the child.
this ex is a trashy living in subsidized housing working full-time pot smoking smoker with the live in and out pot smoking boyfriend obese type mom that dresses her child in clothes that I would be wearing for an evening out...only I would keep my waist length hair brushed or in a braid.
I am just annoyed!
They are Both playing Barbie with this child and house with each other
i think if things don't go my way......
This is a tough one.. I see his side! He wants a relationship with a child that isn't his. He loves her like his but as a non-rights parent he has to keep mom happy..that being said he needs to keep you happy. Sitting on it is not going to make that happen. It's time to have a talk, see where it leads you and than decide. Don't be critcal of the child that will only put his back up. approach it with love. I don't care if I write a book or not!whooot see you saturday night! I'll call you later!
Way too cosy with the Ex...holy shit fuck!!!
So let's ask Kristi if I can use her Blog to survey who would like me to set up a new one invite only and a new name.
Can we K ?
Bert!!! YES please!!!!! shelleynmike@hotmail.com :)
Hmm, sounds like Mountain needs to move on re this child. Being casual friends is all it will be as she grows up and moves away from him anyway. It's up to him to be the adult and start the moving on process. Yep ... you both needs to talk about it and if all else fails, the one gift card is the way to go. Sounds like that Mummy uses the child to emotionally blackmail him into contributing financially. Not a good idea anyway and ultimately, not his responsibility.
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