Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Being Considerate

So at Charlottes school the parking this year has become a Super Gong show!
The city has put bike-lanes in. which is fine. Only they have announced to the world you can't park in them.
Well its only a drop-off drive-thru parking lot. so most parents, including myself park on the street.
only now you are not allowed. Cuz apparently, parking in a bike lane is illegal. (I do anyway)
Other parents, that have the time in their days park a couple blocks away at the local IGA and walk up.
Yesterday was my early day off.
And boy was I off early. I'm still bitter. I hate it when its that slow.
So I got to be one of those parents that got a little extra excercise. I parked at the store. Afterall, I had to do my weekly milk, eggs, butter shop anyhow so it was perfect!
Well I walked out of the school and the 'drop-off pick-up' zone was packed with waiting parents. This never mades sense to me. There are a lot of daycares that do pick-up at that school. In my opinion it should only be them Stopped in that zone. But anyhow.....
I walked down the line of cars that had pulled themselves into the pick-up lane.
On the other side of that is a simple drive thru so you can of course get out of the lot. like a horseshoe....kinda..... the very end of this line of parked cars is a woman in her white sedan. She's edged her car in so that she can get into the 'parking' lane. Only she's got a good 4-6 feet (depending on how she angled her car) in front of her still and her ass end has blocked the other pull thru lane.
I observed this and kept wlaking down. Noticing the anxious and annoyed parents in the vehicles behind her. I counted 14 and they were still coming.
So I walked back to this ladies open car window and asked her if she realized this was what was happening behind her?
Her answer......Where would you like me to go?
Pull up. If you pulled up that would give the cars behind you just enough space to get by. Or maybe just pull straight thru!
Now I know I got pretty bold, and I know she'll never forget me, but I jsut figured, whatever.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss. sometiems its just ignorance.
I'd probably be pissed too, till I realized what a dumkoff I was being. than I'd be mad from embarassment.
She already had one kid in the car. Go park illegally on the road! Frig. Do you really think what you are doing in the parking lot is any better?!! Inconveniencing all the people behind you. And its just as illegal as the road deal!!
She had a lot to say to me. I was very brief and said my 2 sentences and then walked away. I could hear her yelling.
All the parents as i passed the cars were giving me the thumbs up.

sometimes driving, is not about what is in front of you, as much as its what is going on behind you.


Michelle said...

Don't ya just wanna SMACK some people?? UGH. Stupidity should be painful.....

Winnie said...

It is a horrible pick up area...IGA is the best way I say!!!
And yah...the parents act like pre-schoolers....

Anonymous said...

Good on you for saying something and too bad if she got grumpy. People who don't check what's happening behind them are gonna get rear ended sooner or later anyway! Right up their dumb asses!