Friday, September 28, 2007

The Story Goes..

I called my Sister in the morning.....
so arre you picking up Charlotte from school today?
Why was i supposed to?
no. I had a dream that you did and then when I woke up it seemed like A plan so I thought i'd call and see if you had the same dream.
Ummm. Yah.... that actaully seems cool. Let me call you back and let you know.
Okay. Call me at work cause I am almost there and I can't answer my cell.

So the day goes.
BM gives me the message taht my Sister called and its all a Go!
I call the school./
Talk to ..Not the Seceratary..but leave a detailed message for Charlotte --------- in Mrs. -------class that her Auntie Missy is Picking her up. Meet her at the flagpole.
The I call her daycare and let M---A-- Know and she is all good with it.
Well my after work comes.
I call Sister. Yes she has Charlotte but it was wierd at the school. charlotte was Not at the flagpole. she went into the office. Now the secretary was there. Commented on how SHE never got Any Message about Charlotte. My Sister said well maybe I'll just call my sister to make sure this is what the plan is,........No its okay, says the secretary, we'll just page charlotte and she'll be right here.

Nobody called me???


Meanwhile..........(back at the Hut)......Charlotte has met up with her M.A."s Daughter and is ready to go!
M.A. says...No no. your Aunt is getting you. Don't you know........insert excitement and kaos here...... seconds into that the page goes off.
Charlotte is on her way to the Office. M.A. Is close behind. (thank God)
Meanwhile, my sister is opening up her wallet and hoping she has ID cause don't they want to knw anything?


So in a Nutshell.
I had my bases covered. (thank god again)
The school....not so much...
my sister walked in said she was picking up cHarlotte. They paged her. And she came. And away they both went.
the principals response....I know she regretssaying this now was....well if she didn't know her we wouldn't have let her go.....

My response.....
I just fired a daycare Girl that Charlotte would be very happy to see and wander off with!!!

Are you Fucking NEW!

This coming on the heels of the numerous letters home to parents that if you are a visitor to the school you Must sign in. Yet, the Fat secretary does nothing to enforce it!,.
She see';s me wander in all the time and says nothing.....Enforce the Rule!

WAsn't ther a red Flag when someone is looking for a random child???
Just say, hey, wait a minute. Let me make a call.
and Frig! my sister offered!~!!!

Did i get it all?
I am still so pissed by it and so is M.A.....(i will now refer to her as Ginger). She was so Pissed as well. She sooo Validated my feelings. Her and her Husband very much disapointed and disturbed by the system. They, themselves just taking in Foster Kids and so get the details. The security of knowing where your kids are.

If a link is brken or weak.....
Why would you call????
All it would have taken is a call.....

so that my story.
Maybe i am a freak. but whatever.

Think for a moment

you leave you child with a HUg and a kiss in the morning and someone They know....picks them up from NEVER see them again.
Do you remeber what they were wearing?
Its a reality.

Oh Yes I Have ENGRAINED in Charlotte that she Must call me if her Pick up end changes.......but she is a kid.....she is nearly 9...she is a moron. I wish she wans't and clearly my yelling voice needs to be much louder and more forceful.

I need to go now as Mountian has shown up with Tea..........

Did I miss anytjhng?
I hope Not. but maybe,.
I don't llike it. but at least I have some good Ginger Back-up!


Winnie said...


jewels said...

you need to walk into that office with MA (Ginger) and have a discussion with the principal. if you are not satisfied - you call the board office. i would not let this slide if it is important to you. too many parents let things like that slide...
use your voice girl! demand results!

Shanna said...

Wow that is just plain scary. I never would think in a million years that you could just walk in like that and get a child without some kind of permission from a parent. What a lack of judgement!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, not good. How does the school handle custody issues where one parent might kidnap the child off another? The child could be smuggled out of the country before anyone knew? The child would be familiar and trusting of both parties in such a case. The school needs to tighten up its procedures and not ASSUME that everything is ok just because the face was known to the office lady. Sheesh!

Kristi said...

Spoke to the Principal the next morning.
She said that thing about not letting Charlotte go if she hadn't recognized my sister.....than she said she'd bring it up at the next Staff Meeting.
I just am too mad to talk to her again right now.
Although I am thinking about confronting the secretary myself

Family Of Five said...

Do the parents actually sign the kids in and out? Don't the teachers just let the kids out the door and anyone could pick the kids up outside? I mean that's how it was at Lenore's school.... kids just went running outside and it a parent wasn't there waiting technically anyone familiar could be waiting outside and if the kid recognized them they could leave. We always talked to Lenore about how she left with NO ONE without talking to us first. Usually I would call the school and get them to call Lenore down to call me! I would talk to her personally on the phone and give her instructions. :)

Kristi said...

No no.
You mis-understand.
Of course the kids just go at the end of the day.
This is a deal where C is picked up by daycare afterschool. they have a routine. I called to change the routine and C never got the message from whomever answered the office phone. fine. shit happens and messages get lost.
My bases were covered with Ginger anyhow.
My beef is.....
They don't know who my sister is.
She doens't look like me. All she did was walk into the school when school had been let out. Say to the Secretary she was there to pick up Charlotte ------ and the secretary never questioned it.
Just paged Charlotte to the office!
this is not a big school with thousands of kids. She knows Charlotte and knows who she goes home with every day.
My question and worry is......why didn't she question this strange woman picking up a kid. Not knowing where her class is. And not knowing where to find her.
She could have been anyone and now this woman has just handed Charlotte over to her.
Frig! It could be a customer or mine with a crush, Getting a bright idea. A car is waiting and BAM they are gone!
Maybe I didn't explain it well enough

Family Of Five said...

Okay I get it now..... maybe I didn't read well enough! :) Yes you are right... not knowing where to meet her... should raise some concerns! I agree a call should have been made to you!