Wednesday, October 17, 2007

GAme System Question

I would like to get charlotte a gaming system like playstation 2 for Christmas this year.
That way we can all play or she and Mountain can play and i can have a bath.
There is a new one called a p3s or ps3 or soemthing.
I jsut want somehting that will play games and that is new and that can keep up with other stuff and that she can enjoy for a few years. I don't need music or interent and stuff.
anybody know anything?
i don't want to ask Mountain cause it will be partly for him too.
So Spill
tell me what you know if you know anything at all


steph said...

GO TO WALMART! They have loads of stuff and they are the cheapest, I think anyway....

Kristi said...

Holy FFFFF!!!

I was just there.
A play station 3....which is the newest out is SEVEN HUNDRED BUX!!!!
holy Crap on a Noodle!

the playstation 2 is only 200 after I have everything. I thihnk i will bark up that tree.
As long as I know what I am saving for.............

Family Of Five said...

My hubby says a Nintendo Wii
will be interactive and fun for all. Or an Xbox 360

Kristi said...

wii....i will have to educate myself on that one. I can get it with my of course I like it already!
I'll go and see how many and what kind of games are out there for it.
Thanks F!
thanks to the Man too

Family Of Five said...

Well my bro in law and family just bought one, it's great as a family. Mountain would like the xbox better for just himself but the wii is great for interactive play!

jewels said...

wii is the way to go according to my students!

Shanna said...

Yup...and Wii/Xbox games tend to be more family orientated too. Lots of silly Mario games that are fun to goof around with, while the other systems have mostly adult/shoot em up kind of games.

steph said...

I think wii is awesome, you actually have to get up to work it. They have bowling, swimming, track... Very cool!

steph said...

I think wii is awesome, you actually have to get up to work it. They have bowling, swimming, track... Very cool!

Anonymous said...

wii definitely looks like the most fun to me... I am thinking of getting the kids one for Christmas too!
miss K