met with Charlotte's teacher's yesterday to discusss what we can do to help her.....
things were going great till the discussion turned to ADD.
Now she was pushing me to take Charley to the doctor and get her on Ritalin....whatev......I don't even care about that. I've taken Charlotte. And the doctor said NO.
but as a teacher she is trying to find out what can work for Charlotte. so its okay. She is exploring avenues. Ones I'd been down before, but still. Whatever.
Charley is creative. Dramatic. And actress. Mature for her age yet still only her age. Fits in with the boys, but desparatly trys to fit in with the girls. Charlotte is always thinking and does a great job of keeping most adults on their toes. Charlotte needs lots of discipline, but go ahead and try to find one that works!
Charley can be an extreme Asshole.
Charlotte is a kid that desparatly needs a Stay-at-home mom.
But when she made the comment that Charlotte is both a part of me and my Husband..........thats when i knew.
It was at that precise moment I knew both these women were not only completly vacant, but so weak and stupid. No wonder Charlotte does nothing in the class. She Can!!
If you have a kid you are having troubles with don't you look at their File?
Frig! I was required at the beginning of the year to fill out a 'get to know you better' sheet. Which I did. Andit CLEARLY states she does not have a dad!
No one else lives in the house with us.
Suddenly the light came on and I realized it really is only up to me.
I really do have to home-school her after she's been in class all day.
Happy Birthday to me! I get to go Back to grade 4!
SOOOO been there! What about a tutor?? The unfortunate part is for us.... Lenore just learns different.... she doesn't do well being expected to just sit and listen and work quietly. In highschool now her Learning support teacher says she gets MOST of her work done when she is in the learning support class where she can chat and isn't just told to sit and be quiet. She does better with interactive learning, working for a couple min...taking a break for a min. She hated, HATED school all through elementary.... now in highschool she loves it. More friends, more acceptance, more options... she loves Drama.... loved foods ... loves that if she does well in the younger grades she has more options in the older grades. But yes... it took LOTS of fights between us and her... I actually prefer these teen years to all her elementary school years! Stay on her case, encourage how important school is.... I wish my hubby's parents had been more on his case he would have so many more opportunities to do the things he loves and is good at. Make that one on one time she gets with you in the evening... sitting down learning... make it fun! :) I know it's hard.. you can both do it!
My nephew is ADD...and Charlotte is definetly NOT!
Maybe she should find an avenue that works for Charlotte once in a while and not all the simple minds in the class...more than one way to learn and teach...
Oh.... and Have a Happy Birthday to you both! Hope you have a fantastic day!
another thing..
Fred's parents were told the same....Meds never happened...he seem's pretty fine to me!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOTH YOU AND CHARLOTTE! And hope everything works out well all the way around.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
and I got nothing but GOOD LUCK with the school/ teachers.......been there, done SUX!
The thing about schools is they cannot cater to kids like Charlotte. I know this because I have her fraternal twin at my house! Jake is the same way unable to focus for long periods of time etc.... I found that timers for studying at home work well. I also give Jake gum. Sugar free gum. He sits at the table and chomps his head off but he gets the studying done and it seems the constant chewing releases some anxiety. Yes I have to sit almost constantly with him so he doesn't get it everywhere but... the material gets done. Love you both!
that is shocking and horrible! she at least needs a new school! i'm so glad she has a mom that is so involved like you are (even if you don't think you are!). You're awesome and i wish you the very best of birthdays my friend. :)
Happy birthday to you both. Hope you have a great day.
I think a tutor would be a great idea ... if you can find someone private and affordable. Will take a bit of pressure off you and I'm sure Charlotte would benefit from the one on one.
**sigh** yes teachers are supposed to look at the file and yes they should know the child's background by this time of the year. i personally dont look at a file until the end of september - unless i already know the child is identified (learning disability or behaviour issue) as i like to formulate my own opinions - a new class or a new year is a clean slate - a chance to start over - so i dont want the student to think that just b/c they did crappy one year doesnt mean they have to follow the same path.
Speaking from the teacher's side - we do not have the time or the resources to work one on one with every child - its sad but that is the reality. We do rely on parents (especially at the Elementary level) to work with their kids at home in order to reinforce what they did at school that day. We (or at least I) do not expect the parent to "reteach" the child all that we did at school - however I do expect that the parent will work with the child...
My suggestion - if you can - is take some time to observe Charlotte in the classroom - see what the teacher is doing - see what happens in there -
if you dont like it - talk to the teacher and be honest with what you expect...
Again - just my opinion -
Good luck!
i have peaked for a few minutes when I've dropped off Charlotte late. but its not nearly good enough.
That is a good suggestion Jewel! I have half an hour before work. I might be able to make somehting like that happen! the teachers probably won't like it though.
As I was thinking about it the other night.
thinking about how I was like that too. Only I daydreamed a lot cause of course I was Not artistic like Charlotte.. She draws and makes things instead of working.
But my mind was always racing.
So is hers. She has no good friends to hang with.
I had Muck and Jeanine but without them.......
I bet she suffers from Depression!
She doens't get the anxiety......but I wonder.......
I started Vitamin B's with her yesterday. I'm gonna keep on that track and see what happens.
Other than that.....what Steph said is true. A lot of teachers/people don't know how to teach kids like C and J. They make you tired. Constantly having to be on top of things. Constantly making things interesting. Not being able to get your stuff done cause you have to sit with them......So as parents we try to tach them coping skills they canuse on their own.
Its jsut a matter of finding the right ones
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