Monday, November 05, 2007

This Life of Mine is Changin'

What is going on?

i am content and happy.
So disgustingly in Love that soemtimes i make my own stomach turn. It can get to be a bit much. I sat on the floor at his feet last night at my sisters. Arm over his leg, most relaxed. But that was probably becuase he was running his fingers thru my hair!
Eeew! How did this happen! We touch. WE sit togher in total comfort. Sometimes we even kiss in public.
What The Hell!
Tonight i sat here on my own with the Queen.
the power went out briefly. That sucked cause, guess what?
I was watching the News!!
Frig. Amazing I was watching T.V. at all. But the News! This never happens. Than I watched some insider edition.....jsut for Entertainment!
What is going on here?
Its cuase of my impending 38. Holy Fff!
Menopause, the News, happiness......I jsut never saw this coming at 38
And you know what.................I like it


jewels said...

welcome to the other side - where yes - the grass is greener!

Anonymous said...

It's so cool that you are happy.

Kristi said...

love it, xecpt the menopause part. That bites.
yes happy. With bits of ick thrown in once in awhile to keep it intersting i supose.

Its taken my many, many, many, many many years to reach the first goals or dreams I ever had as a teenager/young adult. Well my first dream was Charlotte. she came to me 9 yrs ago! I guess my leson in life is supposed to be patience and humbling

Shanna said...

You have to have bits of ick to jump start your relationship. Makes you realize that its worth fighting for:) Makes those PDA moments much more special.