Mountain is on his way, right this moment to pick up Teaghan.
I was actaully looking forward to a visit with her.
He talked with the Cow and found out Tea has been throwing up all day. She hasn't for an hour or so now. so she must be better. Whatever!!
She isn;'t sure if the kid had food poisoning or the flu. She';s been throwing up.....but yet you let her leave for the night.
I told Mountain I didn't want her here. If she has the flu, we really can't afford to get it. If its food poisoning, I'm not into cleaning that up either.
So he left in a huff.
I just can't believe she is letting her go. She is sick for Frig's sake.
Mountain is hurting cause of the being hit by a car thing. I suggested next weekend might be better for everyone. Even tomorrow for a visit. After a night of no puke just to be sure.
Would you let your sick kid go?
OHhhh, that is so not okay. I f you dont know if its the ful or a reaction, you assume the worse so as not to spread it!
I worked in a care home, where the flu was common, and the general rule of thumb set by the nurses was, you have to wait 24 hors from the last vomit, before you come back to work, or before the residents could mingle again.
I'd be pissed. Puking is not fun. Neither is cleaning up from it.
What is wrong with that women? More importantly what is wrong with your boyfriend?????
Awww...poor girl. NO I would never let my babies go when they are sick. However, I think Mountain was looking to you maybe to fill that nurturing role??? Obviously her mom is heartless, perhaps he was hoping she could feel more a part of your guys little family. :) I know you can't afford to get sick.... but like you said ... you wouldn't turn your baby away. Sorry if I'm way off base, I don't mean to sound like a cow.... but you are always talking about wanting to be a team with Mountain..... and now you are turning him away.....
No one wants to clean up puke... but we do that crap for the ones we love. Crap! Lenore is 14 and still has yet to EVER make a puke into anything... she stands in the shower and pukes on the floor!! Her mom never wanted her when she was sick either.... that became my role... and though it was not fun, it was a new level of trust for the two of us.... I was the one who was there cleaning up the puke... with the dirty work comes great rewards!
Mountain is obviously being a Stupid man! he hasn't seen her since Christmas. He misses her. He is being selfish.
See I to thought 'wait 24 hours'!! I just don't understand.
I did think of that FoF. Very Good point.
however, she is back to not being allowed here. Something Mountain is actually putting up a fight for. Beleive it or not!
Only she is giving it the costume fitted for 'one on one time' with Mountain. WE have talked about the one on one time and how important it is for Tea. We have also talked about how more important it is to be a team and work on the family unit we are building. He is finally getting it!!! YaY!
But i still have some more rewiring to do on him before the all clear is sounded.
Taking care of a sick kid that is my boyfriends I've done. I did it with Mr. Big.
Now that The Cow is pregnant and has this man in her life more permanant, the visits with Tea have started to become moer infrequent. I want to keep her at arms length. I just don't want Charlotte and I to get too attached if suddenly the carpet is yanked out. I still want to include her.....just not that intimatly.
My gut is telling me to keep it cool. And since being reminded these past few weeks on how 'right-on' my gut is....I'm gonna listen.
make sense?
Sending a sick kid to stay away from home is not acceptable. What kind of a Mother would do that? Nuts!
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