Monday, January 21, 2008

i am depressed and its scaring me cause it is coming on with both barrels


Anonymous said...

talk to someone, don't try to get thru it on your own.

jewels said...

didnt the sun cheer you up today?

Family Of Five said...

I wondered.... do you take vitamins? I don't know too much but some people believe that some depression is a lack of vitamins. I have a book called HEalthy Immunity by Lorna Vanderhaeghe. It's all natural treatments for different conditions... everything from colds to depression.

Kristi said...

I do take vitamins.

but I've been lazy about them over the past few months. So Stupid!
I'm off to pick up my vitamin B's this morning. got the calcium with D and Flax.
I should have seen it coming. Well I guess I did. I just refused to acknowledge it. Muck saw it.
It just sucks cause I felt pretty good!
but thats kinda how it goes. Than you are talking really fast and sometimes very out loud to yourself and BAM! you crash.
I was tired and probably will continue to be, but Muck was right it is a sign and I shuld have punched up the B vit as soon as it started.

steph said...

Wanna have chat time after kid(s) in bed? I am so sorry I have neglected you! I love you!

Anonymous said...

I hope things are getting more balanced for you with the vitamins, etc.
I think that situation that is unresolved with Mountain's ex is a contributing factor.

Kristi said...

you are very right aggie