We need public bathrooms downtown.
Today I put the Big Kybosch on To Go coffee.
they come in to use the bathroom off the street. I say no, you have to be a customer. They than offer to buy a coffee to go. BAM! I have to say yes cause Boss Mitch is watching thru one of the many camera's. than they go in. Shit up a storm and leave!
Yesterday. I said no to a guy. Than he came back 15 minutes later with money for a coffee!
I spent the middle of my afternoon, wrist deep in super major Bleach water scrubbing the toilet, the floor, the sink, the door handle....cause this guy obvioulsy had diarrhea. It wreaked so badly that Sylvain had to go in and burn paper to get rid of the smell!
So if you are a public pooer, sorry. But stay the Fuck out of my restaurant!
this cracks me up! I used to work at a coffee shop, and this one dude, would come in every morning, grab a newspaper, and go take a dump in the bathroom!! How gross. Did you get my invite? Its says you havent, but I double checked the email and I think I have it right?
Good Lord ... how awful! Do they do it somewhere else to keep their own bathrooms clean? Weird.
I Got it Now!
Thanks. I was not taking it personally too much. Just figured maybe you weren't comfortable. but you are so YaY!!
not sure Aggs if these people even have their own bathrooms. Don't much care. Just stay out of mine!!
that's not guys have such nice lavs in your space too!!!!
Unless a prego woman comes in of course then well...
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