I'm going to try to keep this a clear as I can.
Just facts. It may jump around a bit. I am also hoping that by writing it all down I can understand my own feelings better.
Korri has a son that turned 10 on New Years day. She always has his party a couple weeks after. Last year, Mountain and I were invited with The Queen as the kids are the same age. I met Korri and her husband for the first time.
Now this is the woman that helped stir the pot back in October, between Leah and I. Which of course it turned out in the end Leah was the one with all the lies on her side. However, why stir the pot to begin with?
yes I invited her to my party a few weeks back. One she said she was coming to. Not only once but twice! I had noticed, on her facebook wall, of a planned outing to someone elses house for chow mein. For the same day as my party. I emailed her a few days before to find out if she was fersure c0ming. I had a funky feeling she wasn't, after all the fighting Mountain and I had done just prior to Christmas. I have told Mountain that the Cow and Korri are better friends than he knows. But he defends them both. So I mailed her and asked if she was coming. No response. Mountain phoned her. No response. She didn't show. If she had other plans, I don't actaully care. Just be honest and don't blow smoke up my ass!
She never did return my e-mail. but she did call Mountain days later to say she had been with flu all thru Christmas and her computer crashed. Yet her facebook remained active. Hmmmm.
So now she has called to invite Mountain to her boys hockey party for tomorrow. I don't really want to go. Its at 10:30 in the morning. In WhiteRock. At some rec centre. however........Korri has also invited the Cow and Tea. Yes Tea is 3 yrs younger than the birthday boy. Some stuff has popped up with work and I may have to be there. As I was asking Mountain if he would be available to watch Charlotte should i have to go in, he brought up the party. I had never said I wanted to or didn't want to go.
so I said, for us to go. That means getting up by about 8AM, on a SAturday morning, to be able to get ready and leave by 9:30, to get there on time. His Response....I'm going.
I keep my up-beatness about this and say....okay. It'll be fun for Charlotte! she loves to skate! and I dive into how great an ice skater Charlotte is cause i don't want to really talk about anyhting else cause I am not sure why this is all pissing me off so much. Besides the fact that I really don't want to let on to Mountain that I really, really don't want to get up that early on my Saturday and go.
So he is going to phone Korri today to let her know. He then reminds me once more that Leah is going to be there. and how I should not worry cause he doens't think she is going to 'come out swinging' at me or anyhting. My response...i would hope not. I don't have a problem with Leah, therfore, she shouldn't have a problem with me.
I than request that after the party he hangs with C for the afternoon so that I can get some much needed grocery shopping done. He agrees.
Now flipping to the otherside.....
why is it that she hasn't contacted me? Afterall, I am the one with the child and she has told me how much she likes me and how good I am for Mountain. Why is Leah invited with her young daughter, when according to Mountain, they barely talk and are not good friends at all. They are only friends cause of him. Would n't the normal course of action for her to invite Tea thru mountain if she wanted tea there? and Once again...what is the motive, after what happened the last time Leah and I were at a gathering together be to repeat it? and what is it with all the adults at all these kids parties? Its not even at their house for Pete's sake!
not that I would leave Charley in her care anyhow as its at an ice rink and not in a controlled 'safe' environment. Even Tea's b-day party was the same deal. One that I was NOT invited to
I have not continued my friendship with Steph's husband. And if I invite Jake over its thru Steph. even if its Joe's weekend. Same with Muck and her ex-husband. And we had years of friend history! Politeness is one thing. this is a beast I am not familiar with.
My theory being.....they are much closer and better friends than they let on to Mountain.
i think their motives are different, but they want the same outcome.
I think Korri suffers from stay at home mom syndrome and just craves the adrenilin rush of 'what might happen!' Like a chemist, she just wants to see what happens when she throws it all in the pot.
So far what I have predicted has come true.
Leah is pregnant with the guys kid she swore up and down she wan't involved with that I said she was and she called me the liar. Now this is the second pregnancy with this guys baby in 6 months. this one she is keeping. His other 2 kids have been taken away from him by social services.
Now if I don't go tomorrow i feel i am sending the wrong message. But going just puts Charlotte in the middle and leaves Mountain wide open to Leah. the one thing I can't stand! On top of all that....I don't think I was actually invited! Mountain choked over his words when I asked him and he responded yes.
so what is my problem?
in the interest of time and getting ready for work. I am sure I have missed something. but for now.....
anybody have a theory as to why I am so bent!
Oh, I have a theory... LOL!!!
Seriously though, I think you are most likely feeling let down, maybe even a little hurt by Kori, and it is coming out as anger. Let me expand...
Here is someone you met thru Mountain, yes? Someone who was a potential friend and ally in this complicated situation.
But it appears that Kori has chosen the other side. And maybe you are feeling like the scales are tipping out of your favor???
You do have a tendency to express these feelings as anger or frustration first before you process it to hurt or disappointment.
You already have a challenging situation to deal with leah/tea/mountain, and I am sure that this new development is hitting a nerve.
Sounds like Mountain did the right thing by asking you to come and also letting you know that Leah will be there.
You should definitely go. Sucky about losing your sleep in morning, but such is life. Look for the positive, so you can enjoy the time with Mountain and C. Don't let the pettiness and immaturity of the 'others' ruin what could be a real fun time for your family.
Anyways... that is some theorizing from my twisted brain. La la la....
you are soooo right!!!
i went to work. Vented there with my lday Balwin and Boss Mitch.
one of this is 'normal'
I was left out and my relationship was disrespected by 'others'
Mountain did everything he was supposed to. He was mostly good. Acept for the end where he pronounced he was going anyway.
but things have now come up. and it turns out not only have I worked tonight, but also have to work tomorrow night.
so I will Not be going.
when I got home tonight. Mountain has said he really doens't want to go either.
I can avoid the whole uncomfortable thing on every level!
Awesome outcome! If this should happen again I am going with Shari's idea BUT I would go look uber hot and have a fantastic time! That'd show 'em! Going to ladies night??
I Love the OutCome!!!
the best part is that I was super pissed and he didn't even know. Cause I got to vent here. So we didn't have to argue about nothing! YaY!!
I will see about a 'next time'
its all a game for these people. and I jsut don't want to play.
i don't really have anything to prove or gain. Mountain is with me.
He really truly is. So I've already won the prize. I don't have to keep competing.
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