There was an article in the local paper yesterday about the parking at Charlotte's school. Makes my giggle a bit. Yes the parking is atrocious. But yet I watched as some woman in her van stood in the drop off zone and chatted with moms either yelling to the ones on the street, while having a conversation, or talkign with them by her van. It was parked stopped not moving in the drop off zone in the parking lot. Kids? didn't see anymore coming. She appeared to just be enjoying her gossip and the shining sun while inconvienencing everyone else. Buses coming in behind her and in front of her to pick up daycare kids. They don't have enough room, yet she still stands there taking up space. I was parked on the road taking this all in. (my car is sick and wouldn start)
Its a drive thru lot. Park for 3 mins. pick up your darling child and then be gone. DAycare buses are supposed to be able to park there and wait for the hoards.
Yes it sucks to try to park on the road. There isn't any parking on the road. The lot is just for Staff. Then I guess you do like me and try to show up jsut after the bell so that you can drive thru lot and kid is waiting. In and out in no time as long as there is n't some stupid women parked Kaddywompus in the drop off lane and you can't get by! Or you get there a half hour early to find a spot on the Road.
Historica is due tomorrow.
I am just sick about it. so is Charlotte. I feel as though she hasn't done enough on her backboard. but I don't know what else to do. Model? I thought that was just if you were competing. Charlotte is arguing with me about what she has been told and what I see written down on her criteria marking sheet. I sent the 'interview' off weeks ago to city hall and Mr answer. The principal hasn't talked to me either. She was busy with parking lot issues yesterday morning I coulnd't wait. Had to race off and do errands. This morning I have to get my car to the Dr's. Oh I hope it starts.
Thats another thing. Its been running rough. Now it is barely starting. Bad. Very Bad. I'm taking it to Ford this morning and dropping it off so they can hook it up and pull the money out of my ass to fix it! Great fun.
i hope i did my taxes right
So tonight we will be in Hell here as I attempt to fluff up this report some more.
Sent a note Monday morning about the interview. Sent the backboard......nothing. I fuckin hate this! I hate asking for help and then not getting it. Its like hanging from a cliff and seeing all these people walk by, but non of them throw you a rope to climb up on. And maybe I am high maintenance. Whatver! thats fine. Then deal with me and make it so I don't feel so anxious! charlotte and I have been fighting like crazy becaseu of this thing.
I fuckin Hate It!
funny enough the same lady picked up kids from my kids school--chatty kathy
I always feel that way about reports my kids is never good enough and nothing i think should be done is what she thinks should be done but the sad fact is whether they get a passing grade or not they move on to the next grade and everybody is happy
university doesnt look at elementary transcripts
perspective is everything :)
The parking at our school is alight, what really burns me is that we get a notice home EVERY month reminding everyone that the ick up drop of zone is not for parking! YET, Every f'ing morning and afternoon a white suburban is parked there! I know this woman and she is a stay at home mom with all of her kids in school during the day! FO and move your stupid gas guzzling monstrocity out of my way! SOOOOO frustrating!!!1
I find it amazing how unrealistic some assignments for these elementary students are. And although some teachers are sympathetic toward the single working parent, many aren't. I sure hope C's teacher doesnt fall into the latter.
if you asked for help from the teacher and she has not answered -i would not hand it in until she answers!
or i would demand a sit down with both the teacher and the principal.
B is right - she will move on to the next grade (thank you government for making social skills more important than academic achievement)but learning the basic skills are important and like or not - reports are important. Maybe not historica reports but reports in general.
B - the school system is VERY different from the olden days.
not like when we were there and you actually failed!
now everyone passes....even for sports....Sports Day is a joke! What does it matter about competing? no one actally wins.....Kids don;t find what they are good at and strive for it. Cuz they are under the dellusion they are good at everything!
you get pushed thru grade after grade.
Steph - funny you should say Stay at home Mom....its ALWAYS the stay at home moms hanging out in the parking lot. Frig! you are at home all day. Get to the school early and park on the road! Stop fucking it up for those of us without the luxury of NOT having to be somplace in 5 mins!!
Muck - sucks, but C's teachers don't seem to get the thing about getting home from work and daycare by 6. 6:30 if I've had to pick up milk. its a foreign concept about what happens when you walk thru the door and dump everything from the day on the ground, keep your coat on cuz the house is cold and put a pot of water on the stove to boil somehting. Anything, cuz you and kid need to eat.
Jewel - I would love a sit down with her teachers. Had one that didn't go well cuz Charlotte was with me so i couldn't say what I wanted to cause I am not going to say those things in front of my daughter.
I want her to respect her teachers.
However-since my day is much longer than theirs a meeting doens't happen. I don't want her to lose marks, so it will be handed in on time.
I agree that reports are important. Very Important. However, being taught how to do them would be great too!
Charlotte has pulled some positive out of this though. She has learned how to research on the computer.
And that is great! For that I am glad. But she sure didn't learn how to do an outline, and than put it together to make sense enough for someone to read. Sentences paragraphs timeline
I went thru grade 4. I'[ve done this already. My mom didn't teach me at home. Yet I have to teach Charley!
there is Far too much "HOME"work and parent interaction needed to teach our kids in this day and age. Why do we have teachers with all this education, when it seems, as parents, some with college/university some without.......
WE have to finish the teachers teachings at home. Maybe thats not how it really is. Maybe I am just in the wrong school, but in my moments of anxiety and anger with the school....that is sure as Hell how I am feeling. Its very frustrating. Isure as heck never had to have home help when I was a kid.
Although I admit it would have helped at times, but it wasn't the REQUIREMENT it is today for parents.
I guess I just don't understand and need to get out of the Way-back machine and into the New Millenium.
"WE have to finish the teachers teachings at home."
You are absolutely right! And why do we as teachers expect parents to help out? Because the government keeps piling on shit they expect us to teach in 10 months (minus holidays and weekends) plus do report cards plus do extra curricular plus work one on one with the special needs child...
Until the government changes education - you will continue to see more put on parents.
who do I e-mail to lodge a complaint?
I'm sorry Jewel but I was married to a teacher and he had a pretty easy ride. He coached and did extra cur stuff BUT unless he did those things he never worked an 8 hour day! Marking during spares and SEA's work with special needs. If you are strictly speaking on the job itself seems pretty ideal.
that is IF you get an SEA - and they are a good one.
and i call parents on my spare -
guess its different for everyone and i guess no one really understands until they walk a mile in a teacher's shoes.
most jobs have after hours work to be done. Its not reserved just in the teaching field.
soon you will walk in the parents shoes of a child in the public school system.
Most of us will never walk in a "teachers" shoes, that is true. However, as parents we are sure taking up the shadow and sharing what feels like, the "load".
No job is easy and they all have their rough spots
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