Sometimes i am just suddenly so tired.
FAtigue sweeps over me
the headaches are sucking.
and it soemitmes will feel like a pin is being jabbed into my skull. the front of my head the back. Make up your mind!!
Then the feeling of a hot inside my eyes want to close. Do my eyes look swollen?
my mouth works backwards with my words. I get dizzy. I find myself humming a lot..........
hey is that nausea starting???
Memories of the day, the day before....the hour before lost. Bits and peices. I'm just trying to keep my eyes open.
total exhaustion.
Funky Ass Dreams! not sure if they are real sometimes or not.
Thanks for helping me move the piano Muck. Maybe thats why my right arm, shoulder and wrist is so sore.
I have been craving Chocolate Like Crazy! My body needs it.
Sleeping so heavy i drool yet waking in the night. Than the mornings and days are so long. so hot suddenly nite it a hot flash?
My eyes feel burny.
Maybe its just a migraine. i hope its just a migraine......Its not.......
my back must be out. I need new work shoes with new supports
Effexor Sux Ass! I am Never taking it again!
1 comment:
I took effexor for a while, thye worked well, but getting off was pretty wild int he dream department!
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