Charlotte brought home a notice from school.
It was for a survey the governement is doing. A Satisfaction Survey for the Ministry of Education. Well after going thru and doing the multiple choice portion of the survey i was on to Question 29.....A blank space where I can share my opinion of the school system....this is what popped to mind. I did it fast and then regretted not doing a once over.
I sent it off. Spelling mistakes and all. Hopefully it will be read, understood, and respected.
OveralL, I have Not been satisfied or impressed with the teaching methods used.
For example - my child was told by her teachers, that it was not only okay to use the multiplication chart in her planner for her math problems, but that they approved of the use of a calculator. When I questioned this and told them to please not allow it, they continued against my wishes and better judgement. Now I receive a report card that states my child is unable to recall multiplication tables up to 7 x 9 from memory!
Another example being the Historica fair that just passed. Parents were witheld from helping our children with the typing and writing portion of the report. The children were given sufficient time to complete it. I have many, many issues with this project.
Firstly - I find it ridiculous that a 9 year old grade 4 student is expected to type out 3 to 5 page report when they have not even been taught how to type!
Second - Its obsurd to be given a project of this magnitude filled with paragraphs, summaries, and interviews when they have barely touched on how to put information together. When I did finally see what she had been wlrking on I was disgusted. As i came to find out....she was getting most of her guidance from a fellow student in Grade 5!! i don't send my child to school to be taught by another student. I also don't send my child to school so that I can finish the teachers teachings at home.
i am not interested in signing a planner every day. Yet I am told that is part of their personal planning mark. How ludicrous! The fact that my child writes the homework down from the board should be the only thing that is marked or considered for personal planning. That goes for whether or not she reads and the fact that I am required to fill that out too so she can hand it in.
I was already in grade 4. As a matter of fact, I've even been to college and graduated from there as well. I am not intersted in doing it again.
It is my job as a parent to teach my child manners, how to dress appropriately, how to clean a bedroom, clean a pets cage, brush her teeth, eat healthy, wash her body....ect. It is not My job to teach her math or how to write. That is why we have all these educated people in these big buildings filled with rooms and desks.
In this day and age of single - working - split - blended - families it is disgusting to me that children cannot come home at the end of the day, leave their 'work' day behind and just be kids. We are required to take our children to the local library so they can finish the studies they should be getting done at the institution built for such things.
Than they are not even being taught the basics in any sort of methodical, step by step way to take them to the next level.
Its like they are being taught backwards. The cart is before the horse.
Like being taught how to add and subtract without first learning what numbers are.
Then trying to communicate with the teachers is like pulling teeth!
Honestly, if I could afford to, my child would be in private school.
I am not intersted in hearing about how overcrowded the classes are. I went to school too, as I already mentioned, and there was always 30 plus kids in the class.
I do not approve of kids all sitting with their desks next to each other as they do either. No wonder it makes keeping them on task so hard. They can visit their neighbour so easily.
I had a third, fourth and fifth, but I think my point is made.
I think it's great! The only extra point I think should be added is the problem with kids being behind and still being pushed through the system.... why are kids being passed if they don't have the skills they need?? Then, how can we help them or expect them to be successful if they are now in grade 7... never memorized the multiplication table... and now don't have the skills needed to learn grade 7 math?? It's impossible for a grade 7 student to be successful if they only have grade 5 skills. In swimming lessons if you don't have the skills you don't pass yet something as important as their life education are just passed through based on how big and old you are!
Well done Kristi!
unfortunatly, there was lots more I wanted to and could have said. Like the fact that so many schools are closing forcing more into one.
deciding on projects that need lots of teacher guidance yet the teacher aren't able to provide it. then perhaps DON'T DO THAT PROJECT
And yes the points you brought up! Such good ones!!
I laughed cuz one of the multiple choice questions was if I thought school was preparing C for a job.
I've actaully been looking at the Sylvan website lately. Just trying to find something that can hit home for her.
She is an ok student. She has a C+ average. Which is fine with me. I really feel she is missing some valuable stuff that she needs to know.
I'm also a littel embaressed cause of the spelling errors and other stuff. But whatever. As long as the ministry hears my voice. If I can be part of a positive change for education it will be good
Your response sounds so similiar to the one I gave when I filled one of those out when J & L were at that grade level. (I think I added an extra piece of paper, too!)
Very well expressed, I say!!
Do they really use any of the curriculum? The biggest complaint made at the college level is kids haven't learned anything! The system is flawed!
so flawed.
maybe that is why so many more kids are being home-schooled
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