went to dinner tonight.
got there just before 6. We had to wait cause I wanted to sit by the window. There were a few empty tables around, but after surveying the floor and knowing the time I figured they didn't have all the dinner staff on yet or that particular server for that section was busy. No biggie. We can wait. right after us a family of 4 came in. They saw us and were told they would have to wait. No more than 10 minutes. They father spoke up and mentioned all the empty tables, can't they have one of those? The server tried to explain to him that they didn't want to seat those table yet as there wasn't the staff on yet to take them. He did the eye-roll the huff and walked back to take his place with his family. Turned out he knows me from Millers. so he came and leaned against the wall next to me. Made some comment about the empty tables. i then tried to explain to him that if they were to sit at the tables that were empty they'd be waiting a really long time for service. His response, well they should have mroe staff on. Now they are pissing off customers and won't have any soon. I'm not leaving a tip!
I told him you can never predict how many people and at what time they are going to be hungry. you do your best with scheduling staff. If you put everyone on at 5 you end up with a lot of people standing around doing nothing and paying them for it. Labour costs alone can sink a restuarant.
I wanted to say, but I didn't, taht perhaps Assholes shouldn't eat out or maybe they should plan their own evening better to go only after 6.
Ah ... some peeps think they are the only ones in the world that matter and the rest of us were put there to serve them ... not!
Yep... EVERYONE should have to work in a restaurant before they are allowed to eat in one!
This is exactly why I tip well! I would NEVER make it working in a restaurant, I would be fired within the first hour for cussing out some dipshit!
I thank God everytime I'm out to eat for the wait staff......good, slow, or bad they're doing better than I would be. NOW, here's your tip!!!
My BF always laughs because even if we have a bad server I still tip at least 15% because I tell him EVERY time: no matter how bad they are I would've been worse.....he just rolls his eyes and smirks
What have you been up to?
K's puter is broken! She is working on it though, hopefully she will be back soon!
WHEW! I was getting worried about her!!!
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