I have showed both of you where the recycling is. Its not far. as a matter of fact its right in the kitchen next to the Garbage can. Why is it I find papers and buy and sells and empty containers EVERY WHERE? Its nice of you to randomly rinse out the milk container, but why is it just sitting in the middle of MY kitchen counter? Not even up to the side or pushed off to the corner.....nope right in the middle. Right along side of the dishes that you have left on the counter. I emptied the dishwasher. Thats its job. to hide messy dishes and then wash them accordingly. Instead, i get the 'word' that it is lunch time and co0me to take care of my family and have to Wade thru this shit before i can begin a new mess of my own.
Then there's the garbage - Charlotte - that you can't seem to figure out that it is Grabage and it is strewn all about your bedside table. Kleenex's galore! what the FFFF! You have a perfectly good garbage can right next to your bed! Wrappers off things you aren't even supposed to have in your room. FRIG!! at least have enough sense to throw away the evidence! Am I rasing a moronic Pig!
When i sit in My Living room I want to know its going to be a good experience. Why do I have to look at Queens half eaten, crumbs on the floor, garbage stashed under the coffee table, pillows mussed, trying to find MY remote for any of the things I might have in there, while putting the chairs, table, pillows, nicnacks back in place. So I am Anal! F.U! this is how I want it. I actually OWN everything in this room, therefore it is mine. so it will be done my way! And Mountain, the next time you play the PS2 .....Put the fucker away!! I came in to vaccuum and had to Yell at you too. Frig! Don;t make me do that shit. I don't like it!
As I was weeding and doin stuff outside today .... i stepped on yet another Tac and it went thru my Flip into my foot a bit. Should I get a tetnas shot. I don't even know. that was a few hours ago and it is hurting more than the last one. Maybe I'll Google it.
WEnt to the Canada DAy fireworks this eveing. It was mine and Charlotte's first time. It was awesome. Did the Parade in the morning while Mountain hung out and surveyed his next project of building my stairs and landing off the back door. He is such a good man. Than we went and got new chairs for the patio. I had my heart set on a new patio set this year. But the money is just not there for that when we can make due with just chairs and spray painting the table i have. I still have to pay for lumber for the stairs and a new fence. Ack! and I totally forgot about house insurance!!! I gotta go see them and hope they take installements cause I am just not prepared.
So now I will go stare at my solar lights for a bit before i call it a night.
hope your celebration of Canada's 150 Birthday was swell!
Blog On Dudes
Happy Canada Day to you all.
Okay.... Lenore.... FIFTEEN years old. We have a small recycling bucket in our kitchen, when it gets full it goes into the big bin in the shed outside..... Lenore is standing near the recycling in the kitchen says "Ewww... it's stinky in there" then moves away from it! I let her know instead of moving away, she could take it out!!! (Common Sense) ..... SO..... she opens the door.... and...... throws it on the GROUND outside! OR.... she had rotting food in her school bag.... made her room SO stinky..... I asked her to throw it out as we aren't allowed food in the bedrooms.... SO.... as I was getting E and B ready yesterday .... I smell smelly.... turns out the little genious took the rotting food out of her bag and threw it in the garbage... in E & B's room!!! Her response was that I told her to throw it in the garbage, she figured I'd take their garbage out for them!!!
It only gets worse my friend!
kids are lazy and slovenly. get used to it.
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