Friday, August 08, 2008

Thinking Ahead???

When we got back from Loon Lake - you should really get your tent out of storage. We'll need it when we go in a month with Tea.
2 weeks ago after picking up C from Camp - we aren't going anywhere this weekend. Why not get your tent?
Friday - its the long weekend, why don't you pick up the tent before you get started on the stairs?
I text him Tues to stop by his storage on the way home and pick it up.
Wednesday - the stairs will be here next week too. Why not zip to your storage and get the tent? We'll come with you!
Yesterday he picks it up from work.
He went to Canadian Tire last night just before they closed and bought a brand new 6 man.
Forethought is not his thing

so I am done and packed. Sheets are cleaned. House is relativly clean for the sitter. Yard is battoned down. Made sandwiches, food is in the car. i think we are ready for final stuff's (cooler) when i get home from work and off we go!!
mountain on the other hand is clearly NOT organized. It was his job to pick up the munchies - he still hasn't. He has to drive out to White Rock after work and pick up Teag. Fine. But her mother isn't much for forethought either. Teag's sleeping bag is in Chilliwack at gramma's house. The very place they were when They found out about the camping trip! Anyhow, after that he has to come back here to get the wood (why he didn't pack it last night......) I'll find room in my car for it. he still has to do the munchie shop and I told him if he wants any "bevy's" he'll have to take care of that too as I am tapped for money and I have packed Tea for myself and Charlotte.
He won't get to the campsite till 9 I am sure and then he'll still have to set up the tent for the very first time in the dark. I will have the camp set-up and a fire going.
I guess what I have learned from this is to always be in charge of Everything. Just hand me money honey and i will take care of it.


steph said...

Have you just figured out he is a boy? Hmmm, I thought the penis, lack of communication and immaturity would have given it away!

steph said...

BTW.. I say that in fun 'cause I just did the same thing last weekend with a camping trip.

Kristi said...

oh I know
I asked him if I should Turn up the Nag if that would help him for next time.......

Family Of Five said...

It won't help! :) Have a fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

Yep to Steph's comment. It is having a penis that does it. They cannot multi-task and can only have one thought at a time.
Better off to do it yourself for sure.