Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who decides to buy a car in a town 4hours away, but only brings half the money so he has to make a second trip to retrieve said vehicle???
Who does that? Doens't taht seem stupid, illogical, expensive and pointless?
Or is it just me?
I don't want to go to WestBank on Saturday!
i don't want to be the good girlfriend. I want to finish what I started last weekend here in the house. My closets. My drawers, My filing cabinets. Its all half done and waiting for me to finish!
my computer that only has half its programs in......

What an Assinine thing! Why did he do that? What was the fucking point!
Idiot Man


steph said...

That is really dumb. I think God needs to use up brain cells when he forms the penis. What else explains the lack of a logiacal thought pattern?

Kristi said...

he apololized to me tonight for involving me in this car thing tomorrow!!! I didn't even say anything.
So now I am happy. He recognizes that there was probably a better way. Yay!