so to add to my 3 weeks of beginning fall fury I now have to renew my liscense. Great! There's 75bux and time. Looks like they have the same hours I do. Perrrfect!
Charley has a Science Fair thing....when? Not sure. but she has one.
I have been thinking about Middle School. Had thought for the last couple years she'd be going to Clayburn Middle. It's a smaller school, which I like and has some Great arts programs; somehting she excells in! but nnow I don't know.
Where will she be after school?
I have to work. Can I get one more year out of her current daycare? and if I can, what happens after that? she will only be 11 at home, if she can get here, alone till 5:30. Even if she goes to a Middle school a few miles up the road....she will still be alone here.
I am not cool with up the road cause its just down the street from the Mall and downtown and trouble. The other school is further out. Either way she would have to take the city bus home. My thoughts have always been the more road blocks that are in the way to "hanging out" the better. but Now I find myself torn. If she was on this side of town, maybe she could walk the 40 minutes home on a nice day......but thats only 20 min from city central! Crackers and twitchies. Teenage "hanging out"
This sucks!
i have 8 months to figure it out
Good luck with that ... would there be any other Mums that you could do a deal with to collect her each day? At least you have a bit of time to sort it.
she is with a mom now....trouble being, that mom is sending her kid to a different school.
technically....the 11th year of life is the last year she "qualifies" for daycare.
other moms i am not so familiar with cuz i am one of those working parents. I don't see or get to network as i am working. it'll be a challenge.
I'm secretly hoping Mountain and I have merged lives by then and that I can cut my hours back......but i HAVE to have a plan B if that doesn't work out......
Plan B Where are You????
YIKES! Home alone at 11! Is that even legal?
I don't think it's legal till 12.... but I still think even 12 is too young! It's tough. Kids left alone leaves lots of time for trouble... BUT every kid is different. I can't even offer to help cuz you're too far away!
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