Thursday, October 30, 2008


So Grandad is Finally out of hospital.
my Aunt, Uncle, Mom and Dad have been touring homes for the past month.  Not that it makes a difference.  he gets placed where ever there is an opening.......
anyhow.....3 days ago there was an opening in the extendedcare right at the hospital.  he was moved.  that very day a space came up for him at his assisted care place!  only in the extended care wing.  AND a spot came up for him in a *new* place that is gov. funded.  Thats the one they chose.  The gov. funded one.  It has a resident dog.  He has his own room - so he gets some of his own things in it.  Which is good.
Did I tell you?  last weekend i was offered the living room suite?  I do like it.  Its from the 1940's.  It needs to be recovered, but I said yah.  WE could put it in Mntns storage till we could afford to recover it and get rid of my current stuff.  Then 2 days ago mom said "it needs to be gone this weekend"  This weekend!  Holy Carp!  WE were going to go thru mntns storage this weekend to see if we can fit it in there!
Anyhow.......Grandad seems to be doing ok in this place.  There are a lot of dementia patients.  Sucks for grandad cuz he is very near 96 and has all his marbles and they are good.  
So the first day was hard.  Hard on everybody.  But he and they and it seemed to be much better yesterday Mom said.
As far as the furniture goes.......we are not taking it anytime soon.  Mntn crushed his finger in the brake press at work yesterday!  he broke his ring finger above the knuckle in 12 spots.  Yup.  12!  it is gonna be some flat when the swelling goes down.  His pinky is all black.  His crushed finger exploded.  So the tip is munsched and the skin is split.  he won't be moving anything in his storage anytime soon.  Forget trying to lift a 1940's hide a bed couch!  he'll be off work for awhile too.  So no daycare for Charley!    Yaaaaaahhhhhh!  She'll be happy.
School of course is sucking for her again.
She just can't get that concentrating thing down.
I've changed her diet.  I've given her suplements.  I've taken T.V. away.  She just has issues.  Her mind is always racing.  So easily distracted.  She will NOT make it in middle school if she continues this way.  so now.......I think about my options.  keep her back a year - maybe being a year younger than a lot of the kids makes a difference?  or - medicating her ever so slightly.  I am very against ritalin.  However, if it makes the difference for her to be able and not to be able...........Mountain and I are still discussing it.  We don't want her to lose her spirit.  But she is struggling so much in the classroom and she is miserable because of it.  I'll be making an appointment with my doctor after her birthday next week.

So thats my update!
Madonna is tonight!  I am nervous.  Isn't that funny?  Why am I nervous?  anyhow.......

Blog On!

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