Monday, December 29, 2008

Well Christmas passed.  It was wonderful.  WE made it out to my mom's even with all the snow.  Charley was sooo excited for her SAnta gift.  A guitar.  So far its been worth it!  Uncle John picked it up Christmas day and busted a string.  Bad uncle.
we got it home and then on Boxing day I fixed the string and popped another......TWICE....bad mommy.  Now its all good.
I've been working.  Shes been home with Mountain and will be for a coule more days.
WE head to Campbell River New Years eve to see Mntns mommy.  she lives forever away.
I've still been fighting this whtever it is.  non-painful sinus ear thing......Amoxycyillan isn't making it be gone the way I had thought it would.  I got my friggin period again.  My eye is funky red as we type.  What the Hell!  I am tired and feeling icky.  Actually I am feeling down right negative right now and there is no reason to be!  S I will sign off.
When I can remember all the great stuff about Christmas that I love I will write again.

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steph said...

Happy nude beer!

Kristi said...


steph said...
