Monday, January 26, 2009

Mountain is so Stooopide!!!

FAcebook Crap.  
i am tired of explaining to him how to have a relationship.  You don't go around commenting on other girls (that you fucked in the past) photo's that you wish you were there, you can see it in their eyes!
Sure now that  couple of days has passed I am not AS pissed as I was.  however, I still feel humiliated.  
He of course turns this on me.  I am insecure, I am over reacting, I have a problem.  Fuck you!  Maybe you have the problem!
You don't go wishing you can be with some other woman!
how do you think that makes me feel?  How do you think that makes me or Our relationship look?
I am tired of always undrstanding.  That was bad form buddy.  inocent or not.  Jsut really bad form and I have emotions about it.  Let me fucking have them!  Hey here's bout' saying gee Kristi, I'm sorry.  I didn't realize how it sounded.  I'll delete it!
Nope you just gotta get all up and pissed off back at me.  When are you going to be understanding?
and Then I wonder why we aren't pregnant.  Guess God knows we really aren't ready.............

Stupid Mountain


Family Of Five said...

I was a bit stupid like Mountain.... someone who explained it best said: anyone who is truly a friend WANTS to be friends with both of you.... cuz what kind of friend isn't intrerested in your partner?
Have you been going to the counselling regularly?

steph said...

That is a total man move! Sorry i missed your call, another f*&$#ing meeting!!! I promise I will arise from this storm soon! Love you!

Kristi said...

no more counselling. Just the one sesion. I can't afford 80bux for an hour on a regular basis.

its not so much her.
It was him! His comment.
I am tired of being the teacher. I am tired of 2 years of tyring to show him what a healthy respectful relationship is.

Why can't I just be pissed off at my boyfriend for making a mistake and have him just say sorry. Why does he always have to take the opposition and push it all back on me.

Can't I just be Pissed Off!

do I always have to understand? Fuck it!
I'm mad. You don't go around telling other women you want to look into their eyes and be with them! I don't care how innocent you meant it to be.

That is humiliating and embaressing as part of a relationship with him

jewels said...

yup - i agree - he is stupid! i would have kicked his ass!

Family Of Five said...

I agree!!

Anonymous said...

All men are made idiots - it's in their genes. Just get a stamp made saying "moron" and when he does something stupid stamp it on him when asleep so he gets to see it in the mirror next day.