Monday, February 02, 2009


I am so frustrated with my body and the 2 inches of jiggle that is laying ever so nicely over my muscle.
I managed to get down by 5lbs and was so excited!  I was feeling not so 'stretched' in my skin.  than a week of feeling shitty about  the waiting I overindulged in a few different things I jsut shouldn't have.  Now I am back to feeling 'stretched' and uncomfortable in my skin again.
I've been sitting up each night.
Its the cardio.  I gotta stay on task in the mornings and get it done!
damn.  I was doing so well.
Its this stretched out feeling of my skin that makes me the most uncomfortable.  it really pulls and I feel like I can't bend I hate it!
one of the sucking parts is that I can still see my abs, its just under this layer that I can flick with my fingers and it wiggles around.  Ick!  Charley was watching me and says, doesn't that feel wierd mom?  look how it moves.
Yah thanks kid.
its jsut gotta go.  
More sweating needs to happen in this house.
hOw did i let this happen to me?


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