Sunday, February 01, 2009

FAcebook Inbox

this is what I recieved this AM in my FAcebook inbox.
she went out of her way to create a new account with Facebook just to send it to me.  This is after she has left a comment on my foto-blog a couple days ago

Krista Brown
Add as Friend
Today at 2:50am
Report Message

I've had a little time to cool down after reading your comment left on my blog. I have to admit, I found it rather offensive and upsetting. Not only did you attack every aspect of my life, but also based most of your opinions of me on snippets of information, second-hand information, and assumptions... which resulted in a lot of stuff that you said being pretty far from the truth.

Firstly, I'd like to point out that you have never met me, have never spoken to me, and don't know me. As you say, you 'know things about me'... well, I know things about you too, like, for one, your grammar sucks, you can't spell, and when reading comments you write sometimes my eyes go cross-eyed from trying to comprehend what language you are speaking... I could surmise from this that you are a dimwit, an uneducated moron or a village idiot... but I prefer not to make snap judgments on people based on anything other than cold hard facts. There is so much more to a person... and although my dealings with you thus far have left a pretty bitter taste in my mouth, I am certain that there must be qualities about you that are admirable. Whether I see them or not from what you are showing me, I am refraining from calling you names or passing judgment on your lifestyle.

For the record, I am not bleeding anyone dry... I get what's legally allotted to me as child support... nothing more and nothing less. I do not neglect my children, if you'd ever bothered to talk to anyone who actually KNOWS me as a parent, lives with me, or has been around long enough to know me or my kids well enough to judge such things, you'd know that's the most laughable thing on the planet. My children are NOT neglected... far from it. And we may be living under a low income umbrella, however we work hard, and believe all work to be noble. We are not sitting on our asses on welfare. I work a full time job, and Shawn spends all his time looking for work and taking care of the kids after school.

The fact that we're living with my parents is only a sign of what amazingly loving and caring individuals they are, that they are willing to open their home and help put a roof over our heads when we have had a run of bad luck. I don't think it is a sign of us being 'leeches' as you put it, and nor does anyone else. Being laid off from his job 3 weeks before Christmas wasn't something Shawn asked to happen to him... This isn't a situation anyone 'dreams' of being in. It's sad that there aren't more selfless human beings out there like my parents who would open their hearts and homes to those in need.

As for the rest of the things you said... I really don't merrit any of it worthy of comment. Your opinions don't mean anything to me, and I'm not interested in commenting on such absurd remarks.


 For someone who claims to not give a shit what I say to go to so much trouble to tell me so.  i guess i hit more nerves than i thought.
Man a livin' I'm a Bitch.  
Being a bitch is one thing, but causing days and hours to be lost out of someone's life because of me........thats just down right mean and i'm not sure I like that.  this girl has dedicated a SAturday night to stewing over my words!

Who have I become?

Blog On Dudes!


steph said...

WOW! I am speechless...

Family Of Five said...

She wants to add you as a friend?? Doesn't shock me.... she is convinced that you are an innocent victim of my mind brain-washing. It's not you she is even mad at's still me.
Just remind her that all the information you got was FIRST HAND information directly from her blog.

Family Of Five said...

My favorite part of EVERY one of her emails I have ever gotten is where she says insults... then follows it up with .... but I'm not going to insult you because I'm a better person!!!

Kristi said...

No - No -

she created a Faux facebook account with her same name JUST to send me that e-mail.

I'm pretty sure all that I said in that comment on her Blog was based on the stuff that I'd read.

i don't intend to respond to her. But that could change. However, I am certainly not going to repsond via Facebook if I do respond.

I am just concerned for how much she is putting this on you. That would be the thing I would try to correct.

Sucks Steph that you didn't get a chance to read it.
I did hit her pretty hard with the words.

steph said...

I know! Friggin AI! I am still giggling that she faux facebooked you! Seriously??? LMAO!!!!

Family Of Five said...

I JUST realized!! She posted the comment on your photo blog first. She didn't get the response she had hoped... she is looking for a fight and you didn't give it to her on your blog... so she sent you a message looking for that fight! Don't give it to her!!!

Kristi said...

i am sure she is hoping I respond from there so she can get a Big looksee into my life.

I am truly blown away that she doens't know who I am. She attacked you Steph. Anonymously. A Despise that. She is up FoF's butt far too much.

Whatever. I'm doing a science project for grade 5. I am busy

Kristi said...

I know she is looking for a fight

she has comment moderation. She could have deleted my comment quite easily like it Never happened. but Instead she chose to share is with her family and friends.
She'll try again

all I was doing was pointing out the obvious.
people around her are afraid or not in a position to do so.

I was letting the Emperor know he wasn't wearing any clothes.

jewels said...

wow - i am out of the loop - i don't even think i have ever read her blog...