I explaining the death of Jesus and thats why this is a holiday............
I can't remember all the details of the Bible as I haven't read it in soo long. We will read it together..........
thinking - Society has given up on God in schools. They don't teach it anymore. they don't tell it anymore. Society has given up on the respect of it anymore......
Yet, when its a holiday, they are the first to take it off
I'm not so sure about that... I think that in our Western culture, the Christian observances are largely the only ones that are set aside as statutory holidays and so people with other beliefs find it necessary to take advantage of the only dates allotted for spiritual celebration. The few practicing Christians that I do know make a point of talking about it during the holy days that are important to their faith. For myself, I am inclined to take these days off almost as if they are in-lieu-of holidays since the old faith is not given the luxury of time off from work and school and everyday life. I celebrate my spiritual path with or without these brief sabbaticals, and just two evenings ago was actually out in the garden performing a rite that honours what is important to my personal beliefs. A lot of people also use Easter and Christmas and so on to spend time with loved ones and to value those who are in their lives which, as I understand it, does follow the teachings of Jesus regardless of whether or not they choose to practice his faith. There are so many religious affiliations, not to mention people who think of themselves as agnostics or atheists, who equally deserve a time to observe their own ideology regardless of whether they believe in God, a pantheon, Buddha, the goddess, science, Allah, or an absense of deity. I think this is what you are questioning, but society hasn't given up on respecting Christianity... it is simply recognizing that the melting pot of various backgrounds has provided a richer tapestry of customs that we can celebrate.
If my kids were to ask my answer would be that it's a day the Easter bunny comes to celebrate children and a day for us to surround ourselves and appreciate our family.
i just miss the 70's
The Christian culture is a large part of American History (whether you believe in Jesus or not) and I think that it is a very sad thing - that it is being lost for the children of the future. Other cultures have mourned the loss of theirs and I never understand why folk are so prepared to let the Western World Culture fade away. One day they will regret it as other Cultures have done before them.
I agree that it is a large part of North American history, but more so are the beliefs of many aboriginal clans, which are valid for those who choose to believe in the stories of Raven or Coyote. But like we are able to meet and enjoy the company of new people and not change how we feel about old friends, there is nothing stopping us from understanding and appreciating the teachings of different ideologies while simultaneously holding onto beliefs that are important to us as individuals.
All Valid
however, I was referring to the Christian part.
I observe more often than not. People that forget the whys of the holidays that are government or society driven jsut to enjoy the day off.
not that having a day off with pay is a bad thing!
but, the reasons behind such things are forgotten, overlooked, and tossed aside. In schools, for example, the Christian God has been completly taken out. But yet, the government still rules that this is a holiday.......
4 days to boot!
I just find it interesting that although we are obviously ruled by the government...they suck Christianity out yet still recognize the Old traditional holidays.
I guess I just find it hypocritical - that being my point.
I understand where you are coming from, but I think that our institutions are probably more worried about the hypocrisy that would come into being if they allowed only one belief system to be taught in schools. A large portion of the population would be offended if they felt their ideologies were being ignored, and we would have nothing but day off after day off after day off if we were to observe them all. Hmmm... actually if the government were to do that we may never have to go to work again! Now there is something to celebrate!
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