I've been thinking. I could very likely be screwed to do this job till retirement as I might like. Maybe I go back and finish what I started - childcare degree.
or maybe I go back and see what it would take to do what I've always wanted and be a psychologist? That one would take years. Especially since I know I would have to upgrade first. Suck!
if I finish my degree - if they accept me, its been a long time out - i could use that as a route to Child psychology!
I don't know. Just tossing around ideas in my head. I am scared. Scared about how I might not be able to work and I have to do something! It would be expensive too. but if I did it part-time? over millions of years? and work part-time?
when i was in high-school I had being a psychiatrist would be something I would like. Taht takes YEARS even full-time. and I don't have the brain for the math. Math is such an enemy to me. But maybe, maybe now I am mature enough to tackle such things again!
i went back when Charley was 2 and started my course load to get me what I needed to get what I wanted. Did that for 2 years till i was accepted into the program that would finish my degree........i didn't do it. That was even in a time before I had a computer! CAn you believe it? I had to do homework and papers on borrowed PC's or at the college and i had no idea how to use them. Frig those days were hard.
supporting kid on my extremly part-time job, trying to do homework while I was a full-time mom and dad.....i just couldn't do it. Charley was very demanding and Never Slept. uGH! I dropped out.
but maybe now
i don't know............just thinking. Its a lot to ponder. Its a lot to sacrifice. Its a long road........
i think going back to school is an AWESOME idea! although anything that has to do with children usually has to do with government and that industry isnt doing so well. what about nursing? or long term care aid? My mom's nursing home is always looking for people!
i don't like children so i try to stay away from them.
Nursing - looked into that program when I went back years ago. Its a passion job. Like Teaching, Firefighting, police-work......if you don't have a passion for it you shouldn't be doing it. and I don't have a passion for it.
if I was going to go back it would be to fulfill a dream and quench my passion. so Counsellor of some kind. Psychology would be amazing! Don't know.
Just tossing it around.
It would be a huge committment for me and my family. Lots to consider if at all
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