Tuesday, June 30, 2009


My rent went up again.  Fudge.  Every year.  We're in a recession!  Get over the rent freeze from years past will ya!
went up by 19bux.  Guess I'll be making a call.  #@#%$!!!

Canada DAy tomorrow!  YaY  Canadians!  I have my Canada DAy bows on my house!  I'm proud to be a tacky Canadian!  don't drink Canadian though. Not a fan.  Sleemans Honey Brown......nice.

Feeling better about Berry Fest working.  its still gonna be rough......but not as bad as i thought.  Boss Man thought of me and is looking after me.  I will be in the bar or the store.  Sux cuz Berry Fest is a BIG money weekend for me (ARG) but at least I can still work, not let my team down,  Be part of the team, and hopefully not come out too terribly damaged.  Stupid Leg!  Stupid Owie!  Stupid tight muscles! What The Hell!

Sister has 2 egg sacs!  she had the ulta-sound yesterday.  and at the moment....there are 2!  She was fertilized on June 4.  So exciting.  So hopefully she is able to keep them both and the unfortunate doens't happen.  SAcs absorbing sacs and stuff.......

Yay  Sister!  I will be an Auntie to little ones close by again!  I haven't had that since Muck had her Babies........

Blog On!

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