Tuesday, January 05, 2010

its happening!!

He is putting in his change of address!!

confirmed the postal code with me just before dinner.
i might want to throw up!
or maybe thats just cuz of the pain in my hip...........

Either way ......................... ACK!


steph said...

Living with a BOY! Yikes! Good Luck!

Kristi Lou said...

wish i had a king size bed

steph said...

yep, it helps.

Kristi Lou said...

i bet -

I had a king size bed when I lived with Wren. It was awesome.
I could have girlfriends spend the night and none of us would touch .......... it was GREAT!

one day - I will keep buying lottery tickets and one day it'll be me! and I will get a house big enough for a king size bed!